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Friday, August 18, 2006

Catching up

The Gorse Fox is catching up on recent news. He notes that this Government has introduced 3000 new laws since coming to power. Among these we find such curbs to our freedom as:
  • Nuclear Explosions (Prohibition and Inspections) Act 1998: Causing a nuclear explosion.

    This is now illegal... who'd have thought! That's blown Gorse Fox's plans for the weekend.
  • Polish Potatoes Order 2004: Importing potatoes into England which have come from or thought to have come from Poland

    That's lucky. Gorse Fox thought it was a ban on his hobby of collecting and polishing potatoes
  • Merchant Shipping Regulations 2003: Makes it illegal for an officer to report a bridge door is closed and locked when it is not.

    What mischief these sailors get up to.

[File under: ]

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