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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Business Class
They don't advertise this service, and claimed they had inadvertently checked her in to the wrong room. GF is not so sure. He thinks this may be special treatment for the Abbot.
[File under: Whimsy]
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The food was excellent for the £9 per head dinner!
Conversation ranged with a great deal of teasing and banter... and discussion of Boston's blog.
[File under: Restaurants]
Technoclasm, again
[File under: Technoclasm]
Alarm, Return of the Noise
RRRRRRRRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNggggggggggggg !!!
The alarms went off again... and again small clusters of irritable humanity began to gather in the car park.
Somehow the apology letter that had been shoved under the bedroom door seemed trite. GF thought of burning it in the wastebin.
[File under: Diary]
Alarm, A Sequel
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The first time was inconvenient as it interrupted the meeting and coincided with a shower of rain.
The second time was beyond a joke. Dinner had just been served... but not started. Customer focus was good, however. Food was prepared again from scratch... and complimentary wine provided.
[File under: Diary]
Emergency. Which service do you require?
"Oh look! He's collapsed. Call 999." cried the concerned citizen.
"No. Call Dominoes" shouted another.
Well GF guesses that they will arrive within 30 minutes
"Stand back. Stand back, let me through, I'm from Dominoes'. Do you want a side order of garlic bread?"
[File under: Whimsy]
Wishfull Thinking
Sitting in a meeting with a large group of Civil Servants. The day's happiest moment arrived when one senior individual piped up:
"You have to assume we are in the death throes of a government. A new government makes decisions that should last. This lot make knee-jerk
policies to keep the media happy"
Monday, August 28, 2006
Chillin' - The Sequel

Calendar entry
Seems very appropriate, though halloween may be better still
[File under: Whimsy]
Grey Vote
Perhaps the main parties should reflect on that.
"Excuse me. Will you vote for me?"
Now let me see.
Are you from the party that has stolen £7Bn per year from pension schemes?
Are you from the party that taxes share transfers?
Are you from the party that will punish my thrift by stealing 40% of the inheritance I have created for my kids?
Are you the party that is threatening to raise my council tax because I have kept my property looking nice, have improved it (using my taxed income), and have a nice view?
Are you the party that gave John Prescott a job?
MMmmm, that's a no then.
[File under: New Labour]
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Saving time
Some classic cases in point:
- Communism
- Comprehensive education - which disenfranchised two generations of students
- Regional asseblies (oh no, they haven't owned up to that yet)
- Multi-culturalism - which ignored 1000 years of history that showed integration was the anwser
[File under: Loony Left]
[File under: Diary]
If the denizens of KG need to visit a pub, they have to walk across the Rife into Ferring, or through West Kingston to East Preston.
[File under: Kingston Gorse]
This is all very well. The problem is that GF has had explosive hay fever for the past 24 hours, with significant rhinitis. This has meant a frequent exercise in nose-blowing and sneezing. As a result he seems to have increased the muscle bulk of his nose (one part of the body that needs no encouragement).
Another by-product of this is that he can see his watch at night, without using the backlight. The gentle glow given off by his nose seems perfectly adequate for the illumination of close objects (and due to his watery, myopic eyes... believe me, they have to be close up).
[File under: Hay Fever]
Bucks Update
The first thing to explain, is that the GF was confused. He was on garden destruction duty, not garage cleansing duty. This was relatively good news. Loading the car with spades, forks, reciprocating saw (with heavy duty blade) and other assorted tools we headed off.
Traffic was flowing freely and we were making good time, until we saw warning of a road closure. The A34 (our main route) had been closed by a serious accident. This meant some deep thought and pondering over the maps looking for an alternative. In all this added an hour to the journey (no, not the map reading... the use of the alternate route).
Once there, Den & Dom, and Paul were busy transporting the contents of the garage to the tip. GF and the Silver Vixen headed for the garden. Out came the saw, and several small trees and large shrubs were cut into small enough sections to be bagged up for disposal. Nesting boxes were fixed. Liner and gravel put down. Plants planted.... and so forth.
Before we knew it, it was late afternoon, the job was done and the rain had started. (Best still, Arsenal had lost... though unfortunately so had Spurs).
We headed back to Den & Dom's house for a BBQ (if the rain eased)... and were joined by the Silver Vixen's gorgeous neices.
Very late getting back to the south coast.
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, August 26, 2006
What they will find in this garage - stuffed as it is to (in fact beyond) the rafters - can only be imagined.
Further reports later.
[File under: Diary]
Friday, August 25, 2006
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Render under Caesar
Dusty has been waiting to take holiday. The wait has been dictated by the gestation period of his first child. Yesterday he phoned to say things were happening and Butter was in labour.
Today, Uncle Fester announced:
"Dusty is a father. Mother and (as yet unnamed) baby are fine, though Butter had a ceasarian in the end"
Now, GF is no surgeon, but believes that this is not the way caesarians are normally done. It certainly seems a circuitous route.
[File under: Whimsy]
[File under: Whimsy]
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Back in the hotel the Gorse Fox reflects on the day.
Mother Superior met with Pam Ayres. Evidently she was happy, as the
feedback was good. GF is now being coerced into applying for promotion.
This means jumping through several hoops. GF believes it to be unbecoming
for a gentleman of his advancing years to jump through hoops... but sees
little option other than compliance.
Also managed to meet the Mighty Atom's career manager... that gave the GF
an opportunity to tell her what he really thought... but GF wouldn't reveal
that here as he wouldn't like to make him blush.
Dinner tonight in Tewkesbury.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
The Silver Vixen was in IKEA when GF phoned. That sounded worrying, until she assured GF she had only picked up a washing-up brush. Somehow Milton Keynes seems like a long way to go for such an inexpensive utensil.
GF dined with Mother Superior, the Abbott, Vincent and Rocket. Nice Thai food, and not too much business-talk made it a pleassant evening
Monday, August 21, 2006
Tewkesbury again
The Silver Vixen headed for Buckingham,anda few days with her sister. The Gorse Fox headed for Tewkesbury.
Early evening is obviously a prime time for travel as the roads were empty. In fact they were empty enough to tempt a Police Traffic car onto the roads. GF likes traffic cars. They are driven by human beings, and humans can make judgements (unlike cameras).
This traffic officer made the judgement the GF was no threat with cruise control set at 75... and after a while overtook. Cars coming from behind started to bunch as they saw the dayglo stripes. He wasn't catching anyone without stealth.
He indicated and left the motorway. GF remained at the speed set in cruise control. The following traffic accelerated... and the traffic car rejoined the motorway behind them. Picking his victim he then eased up behind him and switched on the blues. It was all over in a flash.
Sneaky, but good to watch (as a non-participating observer).
Vulpes Familiaris
More later. (Hopefully)
[File under: Diary]
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Final Glimpses
[File under: Ightham Mote, National Trust, Kent]

Just Looking Around
[File under: Ightham Mote, National Trust, Kent]

[File under: Ightham Mote, National Trust, Kent]

Ightham Mote
![]() | The Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen were off on their travels again. Tucked in a hollow in the Kent countryside is one of the many enchanting gems of our long English history. Now cared for by the National Trust, this manor house is one of the most charming places that the Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen have visited. Built in 1320, it has been inhabited thoughout 650 years, growing as the needs of the owning family grew. |
![]() | The National Trust have spent £10M on the conservation of this moated manor - saving it for generations to come. If it seems familiar, it was featured on "Time Team" as the conservation approached completion. It is ceratinly one of the most photogenic buildings Gorse Fox has seen. This range is the original fabric of the house, from 1320. |
![]() | Gorse Fox notes that the earliest building phase included the Great Hall, Crypt, Old Chapel and two Solars. A Grade I listed building and in part a Scheduled Ancient Monument, Ightham Mote is according to Pevsner, "the most complete small medieval manor house in the country' and provides a remarkable picture of architectural development over more than five centuries." |
[File under: Ightham Mote, National Trust, Kent]

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Feeling Smug
More borders

Having said that, he was taken aback by the display in these borders. By the richness of colours. By the variety of shades, and the utter glory it represented.
GF may be a scientist... but this is beyond science.
[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]


[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]

[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]


[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]

Ruined but not Destroyed
[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]

Nymans House
[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]


This Acer up on the ridge caught the Gorse Fox's eye.

[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]

GF is not sure if that is the history of this specimen, but it looked like an overgrown bonsai.

[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]

After brief debate, Nymans was chosen:
"Do you fancy a trip to Nymans?"Well, GF said it was brief
Nymans is a National Trust property on the Sussex High Weald. It was developed over three generations of the Messel family, in the 20th Century.

The main route through the primary gardens starts with the pinetum. This fantastic collection is interspersed with rich Acers... and demand a return visit in the autumn.

[File under: Nymans Gardens, West Sussex]
Ryanair plays hardball on security costs
Gorse Fox thinks that Government should withdraw his license to operate for the impact this objectionable little man has had on customer service and truth in advertising.
A DfT spokesman dismissed Mr O'Leary's view, saying: "We have no intention of compromising security levels nor do we anticipate changing our requirements in the next seven days."
Friday, August 18, 2006
Global Warming - Vegetarians to Blame
The Gorse Fox's interest was raised so he hit Google, and found that this is a serious subject - not just a lot of hot air.
- In New Zealand there was talk of a "flatulence tax"
- An article: "Does my gas cause global warming? Belches and flatulence are harmless, right? Wrong! When cattle and sheep burp and pass gas, the entire planet reels - Earth Science: Global Warming Methane Gas" explains that
"Molecule for molecule, methane's heat-trapping power in the atmosphere is 21 times stronger than carbon dioxide"
- We hear from the Guardian (so it must be true!):
In the war against global warming, bovine and ovine flatulence does not immediately spring to mind as an obvious battlefront. But sheep and cows are responsible for a quarter of the UK's methane emissions.
and goes on to tell usIn Scotland, where there is a greater concentration of agriculture, the animals produce 46% of all methane emissions.
(the rest is predominantly caused in the Scottish Parliament). - Discovery Channel reported on the Scottish research... concluding that successful research into reducing these emissions:
would benefit [us] as well because it would make the cows a little bit more environmentally friendly.
There are numerous other arcticles on the subject, and the unconscienable use of the word "cowabunga".
What is clear, however, is that vegetarians are to blame for global warming. Cows and sheep are vegetarians and we have discussed them above... but the Gorse Fox knows the impact that vegetarianism (and radical vegetarianism) has on the digestive tract of homo
Update: Gorse Fox discussed this with the Silver Vixen. She wandered off muttering. Gorse Fox only caught the words pot, kettle and black. Not sure what she meant!
[File under: Global Warming]