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Monday, March 13, 2023

Morning Chorus

 For some unknown reason, Jasper decided to start singing at the top of his voice at about 05:30 this morning. This did not endear him to either the Silver Vixen or the Gorse Fox. In fact, with assistance from the Silver Vixen, he may have taken a flying lesson.

We stayed put. In fact, it was 07:15 before the Gorse Fox launched into the day. As usual, he went around the corner to escort Ellie to school, then returned for further caffeine and some toast. The Silver Vixen settled into a morning feeding the washing machine, or hanging up the laundry. The Gorse Fox vacuumed all the floors and settled back at the computer.

The editing of extracted blog posts was more complex today. There were a number of long chat transcripts from Cousteau-cub's time in Thailand that needed a great deal of attention to format correctly. In addition, there was the residual issue of file size (assuming this was the root of yesterday's problem). The Gorse Fox has now created a master document which embeds a document for each 3-month section of the year. This seems to be working well.

In passing, the blog extract that was the focus today was the period covering the Gorse Fox's retirement. He was quite choked when he re-read the various thankyou notes he was sent at the time.

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