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Wednesday, February 12, 2020


It was a cold but clear sunny day. The Silver Vixen had Pilates, and the Gorse Fox had football scheduled. His foot seemed to have settled again so he took his chance.

The teams seemed a little lop-sided when picked. All of the known attackers were on the other side, and the Gorse Fox was in a team made up of the defenders and those who just float around aimlessly. It was an immense surprise to get to halftime without any goals from either side. It was even more of a surprise when we went ahead and eventually won 3-1. Resolute defending is the backbone of a win such as this. (Having said that, the Gorse Fox didn't feel that he was at his best today; he seemed a little sluggish).

Urban-Cub has had another house viewing this afternoon. Originally, the Gorse Fox was meant to be house-sitting during the viewing, but Urban-Cub changed her shifts and managed the process herself. We'll have to see if anything comes of it.

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