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Saturday, February 01, 2020

Photo Book Encore

The Gorse Fox slept on it. He realised he had a number of photos that were screen grabs from the family videos of the Florida trip. He settled down and extracted the right photos with a view to inserting the extra images into the photo book saved from yesterday.

Did the Gorse Fox say saved? You must all know by know that he is paranoid and saves his work at every opportunity. Well it seems that though he was pressing the save button after every new page of images yesterday, the Snapfish server was just ignoring him. All of the work from yesterday had been lost. The Gorse Fox was not a happy bunny. He entered into an online Chat with their support desk who basically said "Tough do-do, it's obviously a problem at your end".

There was nothing for it, the Gorse Fox had to re-enter all of yesterday's images and text with the additional Florida images. It is now finished, saved yet again (for what it's worth), and has been ordered.

Now to research alternative providers who may support offline generation of the books.

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