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Sunday, April 30, 2023


 It was 05:30. The Gorse Fox was wide awake. A cursory check of the plumbing made no difference. He tried to relax and drop back off to sleep. His brain, however, had gone into overdrive - how should he prepare the potatoes for dinner this evening? - has he checked the page headers for the blog extracts? - why is Jasper already up and about? Is that the first heavy aeroplane en route to Gatwick this morning? That's how it continued until, giving up, he grabbed his Kindle and started to read. This is how it continued until 06:45 when he got up and made his first coffee of the day and started reading the news.

Once the day had started properly and the Silver Vixen was up and about, the Gorse Fox returned to his study. The 2006 extract had been sent for publishing/printing last night and this morning, the 2007 extract was also sent off for processing. 2008 is stacked up and ready to go but 2009 needed a further pass through the editing process. That has occupied much of the day.

The Silver Vixen has been pottering in the garden throughout the day. Some old faux ivy has been removed from the trellis by the garage so that it can be replaced with black-eyed Susies.

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