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Saturday, January 25, 2020


Ellie has been with us since first thing. As a result, the day has been filled, primarily, with toys, shuffling around on the floor, paint, stickers, play-dough, and hide 'n'seek. The Gorse Fox should explain that Ellie hasn't quite got the idea of hide 'n' seek yet. She hides, then as you start to look for her "I wonder if she's behind the sofa?", she responds "No" and so it continues until you "find" her. It's very funny.

She had a nap during the afternoon, and we took the opportunity for some down-time. Then it was back to the games, to dinner, some more games and then bed. It took her a long time to settle and in the end the Gorse Fox went and sat, silently, with her until she dropped off.

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