GF is expecting the Abbot up in Worcester today. That always tends to trigger a fairly "active" day. There's a Board meeting, and we are also expecting some folk along to demonstrate some modelling software. Ahh! the Abbot's just arrived. that's all for now.
[File under: Diary]Search This Blog
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Great Malvern
Great Malvern from The Abbey
Quiet night last night with a brief trip to a local purveyor of Indian foods and an early night.
[File under: Diary]Tuesday, August 30, 2005
The office in Worcester has been busy as usual. Esteemed Client is trying to type with one hand, the other having been sprained in a gardening incident at the weekend.
[File under: Diary][File under: Diary]
Monday, August 29, 2005
Christians laugh at themselves
The absurdity of it is a joke in its own right... telling jokes to see if they would fall foul of the Government’s religious hatred legislation. It's a joke, right?
[File under: Whimsy][File under: Wedding]
As usual, with the media you are left in a quandry as to who you should believe. Gut reaction is neither - The Daily Mail has a habit of over-reacting, and let's face it, The Guardian is just so flawed in its general reporting and comment as to be risible. GF guesses the truth is somewhere in the middle. The tragedy is not the reporting, but broken family.
[File under: Social Services][File under: Wedding]
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Chantry Hill
Driving home the intrepid couple commented on how lucky they are to live with such scenery on their doorstep. A superb trip out.
[File under: Sussex]The Sussex Weald from Chantry Post
The view was certainly a bit better than last time GF was here and the weather was closing in.
[File under: Sussex]The Channel from Chantry Post
[File under: Sussex]
St Mary's House from the Garden
After finishing the garden tour GF & SV toured the house and finished with a cream tea. This is parting shot of the house from the garden.
[File under: Sussex]
The Silver Vixen at Bramber
"Agernon Bourke didn't own St Mary's but rented it along with his wife Gwendolen.."Interesting the Victorians. Even renting wives!
It turns out that Algernon was a friend of Oscar Wilde and was the muse for Algernon in "The Importance of Being Earnest".
You can see the incredible progress that has been made in the reclamation, but there is a long way to go.
[File under: Sussex]St Mary's House, Bramber
Now, the house is owned by the author, Peter Thorogood and he has set about restoring and preserving the house and gardens.
[File under: Sussex]St Mary's House from the entrance
Gorse Foz and the Silver Vixen decided to make the most of the day and returned to St Mary's House that GF saw for the first time last weekend on his walk.
En route to Bramber the intrepid couple stopped off at another car dealership and were quite taken with what they saw. Heading onwards, we stopped at the pub in the Bramber for lunch before St Mary's opened at 2pm.
[File under: Sussex]Telling quote
"Rhinos don't do much except eat huge amounts and sleep. There's lots there for a middle-aged man to identify with..."Gorse Fox says "Amen" to that.
[File under: Whimsy]
Imperialist food
"That suicide bomber Hasib Hussein went to McDonald's before killing 13 people on abus reveals a deeply confused and perverse mindset. Wgy would you go to paradise as a martyr with a belly full of the very food that symbolises Western imperialism?"Makes you wonder!
[File under: Bombers]
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Blimey - There's a turn up...
[File under: Dingo]
Too dumb - revisited
The trouble with living in a hard-line socialist state like ours is that people who work for the Government feel they can do exactly what they like.That can be the only explanation for the way that Essex social services have ruthlessly removed two children from their parents for no better reason than that the mother allegedly has an IQ of 60. IQ can be no adequate measure of whether someone is fit to take that responsibility. After all, even if Essex's social workers register a considerably higher score than 60, look what irresponsible idiots they are.
[File under: Social Services]
Short break to check on favoured blogs, then the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox had to hit the shops in order to find some blinds for the bathroom window. Do we chose roller-blinds (the GF hopes not), venetion blinds, vertical blinds... the choices seem varied but not inspiring. Finally, we chose a vertical blind, but the one required was out of stock... so we placed an order and will await its arrival with interest.
Silver Vixen drives a car that she likes a great deal, but it is getting a little long in the tooth. Next on the agenda was a swing round various car dealerships to review what was available and get an idea what her next car may be. Finally, there was a revisit to Regurgitation Central (The Swallow's Return) for a nice meal.
Only dark patch on the day was that Cousteau-cub's boys in blue scraped a 0-2 victory over GF's Spurs.
[File under: Diary]Friday, August 26, 2005
Top Gear (well not, actually)
That's a relief. The fault has been found, and they are not messing around... they are replacing the whole thing. Assuming all goes to plan, that's a result!
[File under: Motoring]The result of this behaviour is that the morning's usual stream of emails and phone calls has dried up... and the Gorse Fox has been able to get some work done! Meanwhile, he has installed Google Desktop on his main computer at home and it is chugging away indexing all his files. Only 10 hours to go, apparently!
[File under: Diary]Motorist with car on fire drives to petrol station
Thursday, August 25, 2005
[File under: GCSE]
This morning the Sussex coast is bathed in bright sunshine in total contrast to last evening. GF has been along to his local VW dealer and entrusted them with his car so that they can again try to rectify the fault that is causing coolant to become contaminated with engine oil. For the GF's convenience they have provided him with a brand new Polo which seems adequate in comparison to the execrable Fiat Stilo he was given last time.
[File under: Motoring]Wednesday, August 24, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
[File under: Trolls]
[File under: Diary]
Monday, August 22, 2005
Swallow's Return
Thinking about it, they could have chosen a more appropriate name, couldn't they?
[File under: Whimsy][File under: Blogging]
Too Poor to be Parents
[File under: Social Services]
Sunday, August 21, 2005

That was it. Another walk notched up.
This shows the profile of the walk which covered 6.9 miles, and climbed some 785 feet. GF thoroughly enjoyed the walk, the scenery, the solitude, the silence, and the picturesque villages.
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]
End Game, Bramber (St Mary's House)
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]
Steyning Workhouse
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]
Mouse Cottage
South Downs Way
This view was looking southwards towards Worthing. Gorse Fox liked this patchwork of colours and textures.
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]Look back in Bramber
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]
Scraping the Bowl
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]
Shredded Wheat
Monarch's Way
Gorse Fox stopped for a drink of water and asked himself why the hell he was climbing a hill, with a backpack, in 25 degrees... and what was that drumming sound in the background. The drumming in the background slowly subsided. Was it a distant tractor? Was it an errant MP3 player? Was it a motorbike thrumming across the downs? No. It was Gorse Fox's heart disturbing the peace of the countryside!
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]Bramber Castle
GF will have to come back and visit the castle at a later date... today's objective, however, was some exercise. No time to hang about - there were hills to climb.
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]Starting point in Bramber
Bramber is a charming little place and the pub shown in the picture looked like a good place to finish the walk.
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber]Bramber-Steyning Bowl-Steyning

Gorse Fox started the day with a plan to do some woodwork. The weather forecast was for rain. Rain keeps folk indoors, so noone would hear the whine of GF's tools.
There was no rain. The sun was out, it was glorious. The GF's tools would make an unacceptable noise on such a day... so he had to change the plan. Fortunately there were several further walks planned and recorded just waiting for the occasion. Gorse Fox decided to start at Bramber (towards the bottom right hand side of the map). He then looped in a clockwise route up to the lip of Steyning Bowl and then back round and down to Steyning itself and back to the car.
[File under: SussexWalk, Bramber, Steyning, Steyning Bowl]
Silver surfers ready to storm shops
Well that should mean that the shuffling queues round Sainsbury will improve, and the attendants at the checkouts will hear conversations that start with something other than: "I'm 85 years old you know?"
[File under: Whimsy]Saturday, August 20, 2005
VW Saga
GF went back to his garage, sat down in front of the service manager and confessed that he was not a happy man. As he started to relate the problem the man immediately recognised him and explained that his car was the only one with this problem, that's why he knew the name. Apparently they take instructions directly from VW on the resolution of this problem (fat lot of good it did last time). The car is booked back in later in the week... and a courtesy car is being provided.
[File under: Motoring, VW]The Engineer Online - Urine power
No this must must be a joke. They're taking the piss!
[File under: Whimsy, Science]Friday, August 19, 2005
The Moat
There was no sign of respite. GF & SV entered and viewed the tower, then headed for the shop and the restaurant. Still there was no respite. Sissinghurst would need a return visit... enough was enough! Heading back to the car, and turning on the heater to aid drying the intrepid (and wet) pair headed home.
[File under: Sissinghurst]Moat Walk
It was at this point that the first threatning raindrops started to fall. Armed for anything the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox unsheathed their trusty umbrellas, and buttoned their waterproof jackets... and continued their promenade round the gardens.
[File under: Sissinghurst]South Cottage
This view was taken from the "Cottage Garden". Even with the grey skies some of the planting seemed almost incandescent.
[File under: Sissinghurst]Sissinghurst Gardens
[File under: Sissinghurst]
Sissinghurst - cottages
We joked with the guy on the gate that it looked a bit bleak, and rain was likely. Little did we know how right we were!!!
[File under: Sissinghurst]
Sissinghurst - main entrance
What a Grey Day - Sissinghurst
The objective was to look around the famous Sissinghurst Castle and Gardens (a National Trust property). GF + SV arrived arrived early, parked up and made towards the entrance. From this angle the low fron range of buildings looked as if they were protecting the tower, and further buildings behind.
[File under: Sissinghurst]Thursday, August 18, 2005
George Hotel - rooms
The George Hotel
We would recommend the hotel. It was very good. Perhaps the only drawback was the early morning roadside activity which was a little noisy.
[File under: Cranbrook]Cranbrook Windmill
Gorse Fox got talking to a painter working on one of the houses. He explained that to keep the houses looking decent they need to be redecorated every 4 years. Not a maintenance load GF would relish.
[File under: Cranbrook]Cranbrook High Street
Great Dixter planting
[File under: Gardening,Great_Dixter]
Great Dixter - Sunken Garden
This made GF think. When you visit these places there are few youngsters. Most the visitors are elderly, and there is the paradox.
They wander around as if they have all the time in the world.
They haven't. They're dying.
So hurry up, and get out of the way!!!
[File under: Gardening,Great_Dixter]
Great Dixter - Great Hall wing
[File under: Gardening,Great_Dixter]
Great Dixter - a quiet corner
"What's that smell? It's gorgeous! Oh we have one of these, I hadn't realised it was meant to smell"She announced to all in earshot. As her huband wandered past the Gorse Fox he muttered:
"Now that you know it's meant to smell, I'm sure that it will. I wouldn't dare not to!"
[File under: Gardening,Great_Dixter]
Boled Over
[File under: Gardening,Great_Dixter]
Silver Vixen at Great Dixter
The planting was lush (if not packed) and accented by variations in height as much as colour. Over the years GF has visited many gardens, but few were quite as inspiring as Great Dixter.
[File under: Gardening, Great_Dixter]Great Dixter - main entrance
[File under: Gardening, Lutyens, Great_Dixter]
Great Dixter
The property has existed from the 1200s, but this house can be dated back to the mid 1400s. It was restored at the beginning of the last century by Sir Edward Lutyens, and the current owner is Christopher Lloyd the famous gardening writer. Gorse Fox found the whole place enchanting, and Silver Vixen fell in love with the planting.
Between us we took nearly 150 photos during the trip. Fear not... GF is only going to reveal a few!
[File under: Gardening, Lutyens, Great_Dixter]The Oak and Ivy
Deciding that we should stop for lunch we pulled in to this little pub. It had once been the haunt of local smugglers, but was now an excellent stopping off point just a few minutes from our intended destination.
[File under: Pubs]