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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Betrayal of the stolen children

the Mail online | Betrayal of the stolen children. Gorse Fox is passionate about Family. He has not seen much/any comment in the Blogosphere on this case.
Because the parents are deemed not to be clever enough - the mother has learning difficulties - social workers decreed that her children would be better off adopted.
.Gorse Fox is worried about this ever burgeoning growth in the power of the Nazi Social Services. He thought he lived in a civilized society. One where parents might be supported if they had difficulties. Not one where there children are forcibly removed from them, despite no evidence of harm, merely because the parents do not have a sufficient IQ. What's next, sterilization of people without A-levels, in the name of eugenics?

This is a disgrace

This has to be a case for the Human Rights courts. This is the sort of thing that such legislation should protect us against.

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