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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Just in case

Just in case you didn't understand the last blog entry... cousins Tim, Simon, and Chris were the brothers of cousin Mark, who sadly passed away a few years ago. 

The rest of of today has been spent doing this and that. To start with the Gorse Fox began the process of pulling cable through the underground conduit. This is proving to be harder than expected. As a result he has stopped and hopes that with help from the Coventry Hobbit and Urban-Cub's friend Darren, we may be able to complete the process tomorrow.

Much of the rest of the day was spent wandering through the branches of the family tree and filling in further details and providing further evidence for the events in the lives of random ancestors. Again, there were no startling discoveries or major breakthroughs, but there was slow and steady progress. And to his dear cousins, who have also tried to develop a tree, he would advise that they apply some simple logic to their assertions. Very few people manage to have children several years subsequent their death (which you have recorded).

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