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Saturday, August 28, 2021


 A degree of normality has returned. By this, the Gorse Fox is referring to his weekly calls call with the cousins (having missed the last two weeks while travelling). It was nice to see them and have a quick catch-up and gossip. This was also the first time that the Gorse Fox had tried to use Zoom on the fledgling Condor. He's pleased to report that it went without a hitch.

Phone call complete, the Gorse Fox returned to his gradual rebuild of said Condor. The key items today were the addition of ooRexx and GoodSync. The discussion group for the former implied that the Gorse Fox would not be able to get it installed. He, however, had other ideas. With a bit of research, the alteration of a a couple of settings, and the correct responses to a couple of warning messages, it is now running rather well. The Discussion group has been updated with the correct incantations to help others with a similar problem.

As for GoodSync, the Gorse Fox was in two minds whether to continue with its use. It had been the heart of his old backup system but had been superceded during the interregnum. The Gorse Fox decided he would install it and take the opportunity for a free upgrade. At the moment there is no plan to use it for the major backups, but it will be used to synchronise between Condor and the NAS devices. (The backup between the NAS devices will continue to be managed by BarnOwl - a Raspberry Pi).

Just in case you thought the Gorse Fox was inside all day, he did in fact go out to clean the paths and patio.

This photo may give you a clue as to how much they had discoloured. A quick pass with the jet wash brought them up nicely - and left the Gorse Fox with very wet shoes and socks.

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