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Monday, August 30, 2021

Every day...

 When you are retired, every day is a Bank Holiday. 

We had a quiet start to day (other than Jasper trying to pass on the News headlines). The morning was taken up with some reading and then some domestic chores before the Gorse Fox returned to Condor and re-installed a couple more applications.

After lunch the Gorse Fox popped round to Urban-Cub's. She had a wall heater that needed installing in the garden. Can honestly say that the mounting instructions were along the worst that the Gorse Fox has ever come across. In fact, in the end, we ditched their diagram and did it our own way. Once that was done, a small corner shelf needed installation for her security system's hub. This was a very neat little corner shelf with very solid invisible fixings. Once this was done, the ribbon Ethernet cable needed to be run neatly round the room and tacked in place. It all took a couple of hours, but at least we got it done.

Back home, the nice man from Amazon had deliver a new 1TB SSD. This will be connected to the Thunderbird port and provide a target for MAC OS's TimeMachine backup.

Urban-Cub arrived about 17:30. Ellie had insisted that she wanted noodles for dinner and wanted to eat them at our house. As she was due to sleep overnight anyway, it made no difference.

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