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Saturday, August 03, 2019


It was a nice slow start to the day. There was nothing specific on the agenda, but there were things that needed to be done.

The Gorse Fox was a bit concerned. He needed to wash the cars, which is not something he does with any regularity. The novelty of this activity might attract a crowd, and the Gorse Fox hadn't arranged for any seating or refreshments. He was quiet and quite circumspect as he prepared for the ordeal. This stealth approach clearly worked as he managed to get underway without any audience at all. It didn't take too long to get both cars bright and sparkly. The Fiesta is now buried back in the garage and the Qashqai is gleaming in the sun on the front driveway.

The other activity that consumed a few hours was sorting out the Raspberry Pi for Two Hats. We had to switch the 32GB Flash Drive for a 128GB device. This did not go smoothly. The Gorse Fox should have thought a little more carefully when he set it up to start with. He had mounted the original drive on '/home' and really should have dropped down a further level in the file tree, that way he wouldn't have run into the 'device in use' problems that were encountered when he started the attempted swap. In the end, a complete rebuild of the Pi seemed like the best way forward. This went without incident and the Pi has been returned to Two Hats with everything apparently working as designed, and the 128GB drive mounted where it is needed.

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