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Friday, August 09, 2019


Well, that didn't quite go to plan.

J&T turned up as expected and we sat down for some tea and a chat. So far, so good. We heard the saga of Blade & Sophie's house move, and how it hasn't yet happened but is due this coming week. We chatted about the new cars that we have been considering and eventually ordered. At an appropriate moment, the Gorse Fox ordered fish and chips for us all. We settled down to eat. As the Gorse Fox was taking his last mouthful, the phone rang. It was Amber calling from Urban-cub's phone. Urban-cub had caught her finger in the car door and "there was blood everywhere", could one of us go over to help?

The Gorse Fox grabbed his keys, said goodbye to J&T and headed across to LA. Urban-cub was lying on the kitchen floor, Ellie was sitting on a little stool next to her,, and Amber and her friend were trying to keep calm. Urban-cub's hand was wrapped in a tea cloth which contained a bag of frozen peas and she was feeling faint. Ellie was trying to feed her with chocolate buttons, but that was making her nauseous.

The first thing to do was to assess the extent of the injury. Urban-cub can't deal with that sort of thing, so hadn't looked. The Gorse Fox carefully unwrapped the tea cloth. The cut on her finger had already started to close up and the bleeding had stopped. There was no real concern regarding the cut, the bruising, however, was likely to be a different matter. The Gorse Fox helped her to her feet and got her to the sofa in the lounge and we gave her some water. After a while, we took her up to bed and let her sleep. It turns out that she had been ill much of the day and hadn't been into work. Some of her symptoms were more likely to be a result of that illness than the accident with the car door.

The Gorse Fox stayed on until Ellie was settling down. Amber took over and said she would stay with Ellie until she was asleep, so the Gorse Fox snuck downstairs and came home.

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