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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Visiting the NT at Uppark

In August 1989 the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox had decided to go and visit one of the National Trust properties that wasn't too far from our home at the time. The choice was Petworh House or Uppark House. (Both about 90 minutes drive). We chose Petworth and that very weekend Uppark was consumed by fire.

Several years of restoration followed at the cost of £23M, and the building was finally reopened to the public a few years ago.

We had visited since the reopening, but as it is on 17 miles from home and it looked like a very mild day, we though we would return.

Being a National Trust property, no photography is allowed inside the building - but the restoration is a triumph of care, attention to detail, and workmanship.

 It was a bit overcast when we first arrived, but slowly the clouds broke up and it brightened up by early afternoon.

There was meant to be a trail explaining the life and times of the house - created by artists in the "Arts and Crafts" style. The Gorse Fox is evidently a philistine, as he was spectacularly unimpressed by all but a few of these exhibits. It seemed, as it so often appears, to be an exercise in supporting people of little talent but who thing of themselves as creative.
After touring the dairy, the stables, and the main house, we made our way to the restaurant. Scones, jam, clotted cream, flapjacks, and cake all washed down with strong tea seemed like the perfect interlude in the trip.

Feeling very satisfied we moved on and took a stroll in the grounds. It was half-term and there were lots of yummy-mummies and their kids, but to be fair they were having fun without causing any kind of nuisance.

It was a nice trip, and the Gorse Fox expects that we will return as it is so close to home.

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