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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A report today confirms that which is obvious to most intelligent beings, and is descibed in today's Daily Mail:
Political correctness is threatening British society by "poisoning the wells of debate" and encouraging a "victim mentality".
The report, published by Civitas is scathing:
"intolerant and sanctimonious" political correctness has gained a "vice-like grip" censoring public discussion of crucial issues
It also lambasts the BBC for suppressing any questioning of their orthodox views

Not that anyone cares, but Gorse Fox thinks that Politcal Correctness is a cancer at the heart of society. There ARE uncomfortable facts that need to be debated, and this should be done sensitively (there is a difference between being politically correct, and being sensitive - one is an enforced artifice that suppresses free speech, the other is a genuine respect for other human beings). It should not, however, be swept under the carpet because it doesn't fit the PC-agenda of the fluffy-bunny liberals who seem to inhabit a reality-vacuum.

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