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Monday, January 06, 2025


 It had been wet overnight but the rain had stopped by the time I ventured downstairs. As Zoe had a later start today, Ellie was not being dropped off but I would wander across to join the march to school. After the school run, I returned home for breakfast before we wrapped up and headed off to catch the bus.

I had an appointment at the dentist's. The bus whipped us into Chichester in about 11 minutes - I couldn't have done it any quicker in the car. When we arrived, we split up. Diane went to do some shopping and to return some shoes that didn't fit. Though early, I went straight to the dentist and sat in the waiting room with my Kindle until called. The dentist gave me the usual 3rd-degree interrogation before checking my teeth and gums. I was out in 5 minutes with a clean bill of health (and a healthy bill).

I met up with Diane as she left M&S. We headed back to the bus stop and went home for a coffee, and to get on with our day. Diane returned to her sewing project while I attacked the accounts and returned to my Kindle for a while before heading out for a walk.

It was my first proper walk of the New Year. It was nice to stretch my legs and catch up on my latest audiobook. I was out for about an hour but stayed in the local neighbourhood.

We are eagerly waiting to hear how Kim's first day at the care home went.

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