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Tuesday, September 05, 2023


 It was a lovely day again. Temperatures were up in the mid-20s. Diane found it hot during her Cardiac Rehab session but managed the full programme for the day. I stayed put and completed some admin. The most significant item here was the booking of the Internet package for the cruise.

Once Di was back, I walked into the village to get my hair cut. I do like to keep it short and with a trip coming up, it was time to sit in the chair while the shears attacked the ever-thinning thatch on my head. Zoe popped in before going to work. She had just had her review with the Regional Manager and it seems to be going well. She has been assigned a store where she will act as Deputy Manager until the New Year.

After an hour or so with our books, we went to collect Ellie from school. We stopped off at the park and allowed her to play with her friends for 45 minutes while we chatted with other parents. Leaving the park Diane took Ellie to Zoe's so that she could cool off in the pool. I went home to start on tonight's dinner.

Ellie is staying with us overnight. She announced that she wanted to sleep in her wigwam. This meant that we had to check that it fitted in her bedroom and then, somehow, make up a bed into which she could crawl.

After a lot of silent swearing the wigwam was in place and the plan is for her to sleep there once she's had her bath. Whether it happens or not is anybody's guess.

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