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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Like the old days

 Ellie, though a bit late going to bed and settling last night, slept through until 6:45. From then on, the first part of the morning followed the usual pattern. Urban-Cub was able to pop in and walk with us to school - but given the heavy rain, the Gorse Fox suspects she wished that she hadn't.

The Gorse Fox, having seen the weather forecast last night, had decided to skip football today. He knows he is likely to get wet tomorrow and was certain he would get soaked to the skin today. Not fancying two soakings in two days, he chickened out. Instead he spent much of the day at the computer. It was like the old days. Diagrams and documentation and now that the Backup Strategy is back up to date, he has realised that the is a more holistic way in which he could have written this had he started from scratch. This is a serious temptation.

Two Hats messaged. Was the Gorse Fox busy and could he spare some time. The Gorse Fox presented himself at the door. The migration of his old PC files to the new MacBook had appeared to go well but now he couldn't find the files. The Gorse Fox delved into the machine. The files were not there. Well, we could recopy them from the old laptop. No we couldn't - he had wiped it. He had, however, taken a second copy of the files on an SDCard. He handed over the SDCard - there were no PC file on it - only DashCam footage! We searched through his box and finally found a likely candidate. Whew! The files were there. The Gorse Fox copied them to his MacBook and then gave the usual lecture on backups. For simplicity he has suggested getting an SSD that he can attach and use as a TimeMachine repository.

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