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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Cold and damp

 It wasn't as cold as it has been, but it seemed damp today and that made it seem colder. The Gorse Fox went round to escort Ellie to school with the Urban-Cub. Then it was a quick hop back home for more coffee and breakfast.

There were several early morning chores to complete but then the Gorse Fox could return to his Computer Guide. He is now dealing with "tawnyowl" and "peregrine", which he started yesterday (or was it the weekend?) As he dropped into some of the more obscure functions provided on these machines, he realised that he had forgotten the passwords to some functions. This took a bit of hacking but eventually he got to the bottom of it and finished that part of the write-up.

After lunch, the Gorse Fox returned to his book (the Silver Vixen was still in her sewing room). He managed a couple hours before we had to collect Ellie from school. As soon as we were back (and she had raided the fridge) we sat down to complete her maths homework. It didn't take long but within an hour of uploading it, she had a response from the teacher to say it was excellent. That encouraged her and she sat down to start on some of her English homework (not due until the end of next week).

Ellie's staying with us over night

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