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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Out, out

 We had a lovely evening yesterday. We started with some fizz next door and then wandered down to the bus stop to head in to Chichester. Though a little early, we were able to go straight to our table in Cote Brasserie. The food was lovely, as usual. The Gorse Fox always finds it hard to select from their menu, but is never disappointed. This time he chose the Breton Fish Stew and thoroughly enjoyed it. At the end of the evening we walked down to the railway station and grabbed a cab to take us all home.

This morning was overcast and at some point during the morning we had some rain. The Gorse Fox started with his usual cousins' call. Then, after some domestic chores we settled down to wait for Betty and Barney Rubble. They arrived in time for some coffee and biscuits and a chat before we headed off to The Gribble Inn for lunch. It is probably 3 years since we were last there, but the beer was just as good and menu was both extensive and interesting. It was very hard to choose but in the end both the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox selected the skate wings. They were delicious and really meaty. We certainly won't need to eat again today. Back home we had several more cups of tea and some roulade and cream as we chatted the afternoon away. Conversation ranged from Covid to Brexit, from family to jobs, and from TV to Bitcoin! Finally, we took Betty and Barney round to see Urban-Cub's house before they headed back home.

It's been a lovely day.

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