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Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The Gorse Fox is not one to complain about the weather. There is nothing he can do about it(1) so sees little point in complaining. He would make a few observations, however. (Well, he would, wouldn't he).
  • Gorse Fox loves this weather.
  • Today it's about 30-32C.
  • Blue skies (hot or cold) always make you feel joyous.
  • Why do people complain about the cold, then as soon as it gets hot complain "It's too hot". Just shut up.
  • Why do the weather presenters warn of the heatwave and advise us "Keep cool!" - Don't they think we might have thought of that?
  • Why do people believe an electric fan cools an empty room?
(1) As explained before the Gorse Fox does not dance... so rain is unlikely

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