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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Another Prescott fiasco

Gorse Fox read in the Telegraph:
Plans by John Prescott to concrete over large areas of the South East should be scrapped and millions of new homes built instead in London and along the Thames, a Government adviser said yesterday.

It goes on
Labour had a background of wariness of big, wasteful projects from its last long period of office in the 1960s, he said.

"This time they have not got the hang of what the public and the private sector do."

Yes they have. The private sector MAKES money, the public sector then TAKES that money and wastes it... but then GF guesses that's the bit that John Precott knows most about, as he is one of the most evident wastes (waists?) of private money in the public sector. His only real value to the country is comedic.

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