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Friday, May 13, 2005

GF had to spend some time secreted amongst the Surrey Hills. He left mid morning and spent vast amounts of time sitting behind drivers who:
  • cannot see over the steering wheel
  • have not yet discovered second gear
  • are disconcerted by oncoming traffic (even on dual carriageways)
  • are disconcerted by following traffic
  • SHOULD NOT EVER be allowed near any motor vehicle (unless they are embalmed and encased in a fine wooden box)

But of course this list actually defines the usual credentials of holding a driving license in West Sussex.

Now the GF is a fairly patient and pretty careful driver. He uses cruise control to maintain approximate legal speeds... but by the time he had spent 20 minutes getting no further than 5 miles from home (without being delayed by the railway crossing - for a change); even he was beginning to lose his equanimity. GF suspects that we should create some new roadside cameras to trap these menaces who have overdosed on their Stupid Pill then got into their car for a mobile nap. GF thinks that these people actually are a major cause of traffic accidents because you feels such a surge of relief when you finally get ahead of them that you just want to floor it.

Anyway, the time in the Sussex Hills was fruitful. Interesting meeting with a colleague, and lots of progress made. Also had a chat with the Teddybear and Dr. Bognor. GF suspects he narrowly avoided being fingered as portfolio owner for the Esteemed Client. That would have been a very poor use of GF's skills and a sure recipe for disaster.

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