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Thursday, June 15, 2023


That may seem like a strange title. It’s not half as strange as getting to the evening and realising that Diane has not had a cup of tea. That’s right no T.

Being Thursday we had the Ocado delivery and then, with Kim tagging along as escort-extraordinaire we went to Sainsbury's. The idea was that I would complete the normal shopping and she would escort Diane around the store so she could get some exercise in an air-conditioned environment. This worked well and prevented her from overheating in the sunny weather.

After all of the shopping was unpacked, and Kim had gone home, we had to get to the local hospital for the latest blood tests then headed home for some lunch. Ellie instructed me, this morning, that she wanted a curry for dinner so once I had eaten I made up some of Grandpa's curry sauce and cooked a chicken breast so it could all be reheated later. 

We managed a quiet hour before heading off. I walked Diane to Zoe's (she had already gone to the hospital) and then went to collect Ellie. We were a little longer than planned because Bonnie's mum was running late and we stayed with Bonnie until she arrived. Back at Zoe's I prepared some rice and heated the sauce and chicken and Ellie tucked into a very healthy helping of dinner. Zoe's hospital trip was, again, very quick and we were home by about 18:00.

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