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Saturday, October 29, 2022


The Gorse Fox had problems aligning his thought processes to the fact that it was Saturday. Having, mentally, been ahead of himself all week by a day, he woke up this morning a day in arrears. It was not Friday, however much his brain kept telling him that it was. Caffeine was taken onboard, the Silver Vixen was greeted with fresh tea, ablutions were completed and the the cousins's call was initiated. Brain was rebooted.

The Gorse Fox did some cleaning up after Jasper had been trying to repurpose the side entrance as an outside loo. It was not pleasant but he refuses to clean up after himself. The Silver Vixen spent some time cleaning up the fallen leaves from the front of the house. This was interrupted by a long chat with Old Bill and Lady Penelope who were passing by on their return from a walk.

The afternoon has been fairly quite with some Kindle-time in the Orangery and the Silver Vixen  having a phone call from her sister. 

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