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Monday, July 20, 2015


No, not the Gorse Fox, you say.

You are right. He doesn't do stress. He has spent the day in front of one of the computers working on the design of the support framework for the deck. To ensure longevity and sturdiness, he has been working with the stress tables that show the load bearing qualities of the various types of timber and the recommended span for joists and bearer beams. All of this is great fun, but needs some 3d thinking as the underlying design needs to be capable of supporting the particular pattern of deck beams that GF wants to create (e.g. beams at a 45 degree angle need joists that are 30% closer than if the beams were linear). Just for information, a domestic deck needs to be designed to support 1.5kN/m2.

It keeps the little grey cells ticking over.

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