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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Resolving Names

The Gorse Fox was getting concerned. He may have lots of extra bandwidth on his Broadband, but things still seemed slow when trying to open websites and generally navigating around. Before the fibre upgrade GF assumed this was just part of the general slow response. Now he is finding it unacceptable.

He started by looking at his router (BT Home Hub 5) settings and noticed that it specified a couple of DNS servers with which he was unfamiliar. (A DNS server is the directory that turns a web name into a fully qualified web address that the computer can actually talk with). There did, however, appear to be no way of changing these addresses in the router (Home Hub). Going back to first principles, GF changed the DNS setting in his laptop to one of the Google DNS servers to see if that made a difference. Zing... almost instant response.

As the router is not (easily) configurable, he is now going round his various devices and plugging in the DNS Server addresses directly. This will bypass the BT servers entirely... and hopefully keep things running lickety-spit.

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