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Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is all the Fuzz About?

We read today in the BBC headlines:
The growing number of private security companies policing UK streets is a worrying development, senior police figures say.
Well the Gorse Fox would suggest that there is an easy remedy for their concern, achieved through a number of simple steps:

  1. Spend more time on patrol
  2. Spend more time on your feet instead in cars
  3. Accept new technology to reduce paper-work
  4. Ignore targets - just do what is right (not what is politically expedient)
  5. Stop relying on cameras and CCTV to do your job for you
  6. Be polite
  7. Cuff hooligans round the ear
  8. Target known/suspected criminals
  9. Make the lives of suspected troublemakers and pushers intolerable

Then people wouldn't need private security patrols. Seemples!

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