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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Acronym assault

The all day meeting was held off-site. Gorse Fox was able to walk there from his hotel, so was able to have a leisurely start to the day. There was much to cover, and it was evident it would be a busy day. By late morning GF was under severe acronym assault (and he throught it was unique to IT).

There's little doubt this will need support from HR. We need to involve EOs, HEOs, VOs and Techs to represent the DOs as they towards OMCs. CPD will need to be involved because it may impact the LDCCs and involves the RRMs, though DOMs shouldn't be affected.
A BTM could oversee the changes with an OIM (possibly an HEO) on the ground support by EOs. In turn they could be backfilled by AOs or AAs.
GF hasn't the remotest clue what was being said, but there was a lot of nodding around the room.

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