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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

HSE and Cheese

In a follow-up to yesterday's post the Gorse Fox sees the headline "Dozens hurt in Gloucestershire's Cheese Roll Race".
We learn
A teenager who knocked himself out while chasing a Double Gloucester cheese down a hill was among 25 people hurt in a Cheese Rolling competition.
and more worryingly:
One spectator was given treatment after being hit by a runaway cheese.

In mock indignation the Gorse Fox demands to know:
  • Why was this not banned by the Health & Safety Executive?
  • Should it be moved to a flat site? (It actually takes place on a 1:2 hill)
  • Should the cheeses be softer?
  • How many lawyers were waiting by the St John's Ambulance Station?

What a wonderful country the Gorse Fox lives in. So eccentric. So whimsical.

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