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Saturday, March 30, 2024

An experiment

 You may have heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Google has an AI engine called Gemini, which I use quite extensively. I pondered whether AI could create a blog post so challenged it, thus: 

"Write me a blog post that describes my day so far. I got up at 6:30 because the cat was wittering away. I had the weekly Zoom call with my cousins. After some household chores, I went out for a 6km walk around the area for some exercise. Meanwhile, Diane was pottering in the back garden, finally coming inside mid-afternoon. Ellie had been on an afternoon playdate. I collected her at 3 pm, in time for Pete to come and collect her for a week with him in Littlehampton."

So, courtesy of Gemini, here is today's blog entry (I have used "strikethrough to remove embellishments that didn't happen and italic to add context - other than that, this is what Gemini created):

The alarm clock this morning wasn't quite the digital kind – it was a furry bundle of meows! Seems my feline friend decided 6:30 am was the perfect time to serenade the house. Despite the early wake-up call, it was a good start: a chance to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee before my weekly Zoom catch-up with my cousins. Laughter and updates filled the virtual space, leaving me feeling connected and energized.

Back in the real world, it was time to tackle the never-ending list of household chores. Laundry folding, dishes, the usual suspects all got their turn. Feeling a sense of accomplishment (and needing a break from dust bunnies!), I laced up my shoes and headed outside for a brisk 6km walk around the neighbourhood. Fresh air, sunshine filtering through the trees, and the gentle rhythm of my steps – it's the perfect way to clear my head and get some exercise.

While I was pounding the pavement, Diane was busy pottering in the back garden. On my return I could see her through the window, happily lost in the world of flowers and sunshine. By mid-afternoon, she finally made her way back inside, likely sporting a happy glow and a pocket full of freshly snipped blooms.

My afternoon took a turn when it was time to pick up Ellie. Apparently, she had a fantastic playdate filled with all sorts of doggy adventures. Collecting her at 3 pm felt like barely a blip in our day, but it was a necessary one – Pete was on his way to whisk her away for a week-long adventure in Littlehampton!

To be fair, I was impressed.

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