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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Western Front

 As summer comes towards the end, we had another lovely day today. Urban-Cub was off out for the day, so the Silver Vixen and Gorse Fox had the day to ourselves. As it was so nice, we chose to go down to the promenade again. Again we chose the western side of the Prom (between the pier and Aldwick). It is so much quieter there as most of the tourists seem to concentrate at the eastern end of the beach front.

We had a lovely walk from West Field down to the Pier, along the almost deserted Promenade and then on to the bandstand. This is currently being renovated, and is surrounded by scaffolding. There was an interesting plaque on the hoardings explaining the history of the bandstand and how it was originally erected in Cheltenham outside their Winter Garden, and then transferred to Bognor after the War. We sat on a bench for a while before turning and retracing our steps to the car. It had been a very enjoyable interlude.

During the afternoon, the Gorse Fox filed some more photos. While doing so he accidentally pressed a button and it displayed the facial recognition that has been completed for the photo library. What concerned him was that it also showed the faces that had been found but not identified. There were hundreds of them. This then destroyed the next couple of hours as he tried to "fill in the blanks". He's nowhere near finished, but the next batch can wait for another day.

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