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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Timber and admin

That sort of sums up the day.

The Silver Vixen disappeared off to meet up with a friend in Littlehampton for the day. This left the Gorse Fox and Jasper the Cat at home, though clearly Jasper was in charge. The Gorse Fox spent a significant portion of the day working on his admin backlog. This is now back under control. The admin extended to some pre-vacation checks - is the currency card up-to-date? how is loaded by SMS? how is loaded by Smartphone App? how much currency should be ordered? and so forth.

That done, the Gorse Fox loaded the boot of the car with timber off-cuts in order to take them to the recycling centre. Interrupted as he started, he managed to provide a wheel-barrow load to his neighbour, who has a wood-burning fire in the house. There are many more car-loads (or wheel-barrow loads, if necessary). They can wait until after the week-end.

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