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Friday, August 28, 2009


The Gorse Fox remembers why he used to hate travelling to London on Fridays. Every serious delay he has ever had travelling back was on a Friday.

Gorse Fox left the office, content. It was a sensible time and he had a comfortable walk to the tube - which was there waiting to whisk him to Victoria.

That's where it all went pear shaped. There had been (another) fatality on the line near Wandsworth and no trains were moving in or out. He spun on his heels and headed back to the tube to head back across town. A talentless busker jumped aboard and serenaded the journey with some tuneless Bowie song (GF supposes the word tuneless was superfluous as it was Bowie).

Striding across London Bridge he arrived at the eponymous station only to find there had been knock on delays. However, his train was soon available and he sat down with a degree of relief... it may still be late - but at least he has a train!

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