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Saturday, August 01, 2009

Been Hads

The Gorse Fox has recognised that he's one of the "Been Hads". He quietly (all right, maybe not quietly) gets on with getting up early, going to work, earning money to pay his mortgage, feed and support his family, accumulate a pension, pay his taxes, insure and license his car and conduct his life in concert with the laws and customs of the land.

Meanwhile we learn that:
  • Local councils have a hole in their pension scheme - and council taxes must go up to fill this shortfall. (Meanwhile, Gorse Fox's company have told him that after 25 years of contributing to his pension that they're closing the scheme and he'll have to find some other arrangement).
  • Travellers are to be given laptops and WiFi access from publis expense. (Meanwhile Gorse Fox has had to save up to purchase the laptops used in his household).
  • Government is to fund gap years for students. (Meanwhile Gorse Fox has to look carefully at the numbers to determine whether a two week vacation is affordable this year).
  • (Some) Councils are to tax car parking spaces at work - and it is up to companies to decide whether to pass this cost on to their workers. (Meanwhile public transport fails to serve many out-of-town communities making car journeys the only viable way to get to work).
And where are all of these funds coming from? From Gorse Fox's pocket - and that of every other hard working but credit crunched individual in this country. The only people that seem to be immune from this are the political classes (with their gold plated pensions) and the indolent.

Makes you proud!

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