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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dust and chippings

The Gorse Fox has spent most of the day (which was a stunning spring day of bright warm sunshine)  dressing doors. He should explain that this is not some weird fetish featuring the long dead corpse of Jim Morrison, but rather the process of cutting doors to size, mounting hinges and puuting on the handles and the spring catches. This labour has involved: 
  1. Tape measure, 
  2. Stanley knife, 
  3. Chisels (freshly sharpened), 
  4. drill with spade bit and normal bit, 
  5. screwdriver, 
  6. workbench, 
  7. banged thumb, 
  8. and some soto voce swearing. 
The Gorse Fox has been accompanied in this exercise by the Urban-cub. ALl doors have now reached a stage whereby no further activity can occur until some old holes and chips have been filled and sanded. Then painting can commence.

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