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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Gorse Fox has paused... he thinks he can hear a foaming glass of beer calling.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A new pepper
He smiled to himself, then paused. With all the mascara weighing them down... was that really pepper he saw on the salad?
Monday, April 28, 2008
(*)Kingston Parish Council is one of the newest and smallest councils in the whole country.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
- As he waited to use the gentlemen's toilet (or Lords, as it was called), an the Amy Winehouse look-alike emerged from the gents as the door opened;
- A trusted source assured him that in the corresponding Ladies, the seat was fitted with under seat warm air flow - a new experience for the source in question;
- A young and earnest gentleman tried hard to communicate, but was so wasted that he was incoherent - GF just had to guess at the questions and reply accordingly;
- The last time he saw so many kilts was at the Edinburgh Castle Tattoo.
The orange glow came from the external lights that illuminated the building, and hiding behind the radiator was a collection of candles provide up-light.
The Bride
Twinkle toes
It paid off - they did just fine.
The happy couple started to circulate - they were clearly having a whale of a time. K8y said that "people say it is the happiest day of your life. Well it's been just perfect, and it is."
Molecular Binding - A Wedding of Note
This involved selecting the right outfits and ensuring they were suited to the auspicious company with which we would be mingling. The Silver Vixen was, as usual, in full control. The Gorse Fox, however, learned several things:
- When hanging up a suit bag, check that everything stays where it should be. In this case the trousers had slipped from the hanger and were crumpled up in the bottom of the bag. This mean that GF had to press his trousers before they could be worn.
- When trousers are left alone in a suit bag they shrink around the waist-band.
Anyway, eventually everything was sorted and we headed off to the wilds of Buckinghamshire.
The reception was held at Notley Abbey, a 13th Century building near Haddenham. It's history probably starts in 1162 when an order of Augustine monks was founded at Notley on land that was donated by Walter Giffard, 2nd Earl of Buckingham, and his wife Ermengard.
The abbey church and the majority of the original abbey buildings survive only as buried remains, although portions of the cloister range were retained within the house and outbuildings of a post-Dissolution farm - now Notley Abbey House. The house was adapted from the abbot's lodging and guesthouse. (The Medieval Life in Bernwood Forest)
Historical documents record 24 abbots of the Abbey up until 1533. After the Dissolution the Abbey and grounds were given to Christchurch College, Oxford.
Like most ancient buildings there are several legends - one featuring a 2 mile tunnel that is reputed to run from the abbey to nearby Thame.
According to Vivien Leigh - the Notley Abbey Years:
"Vivien & Larry first saw the Abbey in 1943. It was overgrown and in desperate need of restoration. Larry instantly fell in love with it, especially since he found out that it had been endowed by Henry V. Vivien was skeptical and considered it hopeless. Much of the home could not be viewed from inside because ceilings were caving, floors rotting, and pipes were broken. Nevertheless, the Oliviers purchased it in February 1945 and immediately began work on it. Vivien, too, soon fell in love with the Abbey. They put all their savings into repairing the Abbey. They focused on the large hall, study, 3 reception rooms, and bedrooms. With the help of decorators Sybil Colfax and John Fowler, Vivien put her personal touch in each room of Notley. Regency stripes were used and large pieces of furniture and artwork were chosen."
They sold Notley Abbey in 1960 after their divorce. It then became the registered office of Amalgamated Broadcasting Company and studios were installed for Canadian millionaire Arnold Swanson who used to prepare recordings to be taken by speedboat to the pirate radio stations.
A long tree-lined avenue (72 Lime trees, planted by the Oliviers) linked the house to the nearby road, but the house remained hidden even from the car park, which meant that it was revealed at the last moment. It was easy to see the monastic heritage of the house - but this has been been carefully and tastefully updated inside with 21st Century fittings.
(*) Enough "Estate Agent"-speak
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Becoming a Molecule at Notley Abbey
Friday, April 25, 2008
Beam me up, Scotty
Gorse Fox likes gadgets and this is a nice new shiny gadget - but it isn't due to be activated for another two weeks. He'll miss his old communicator, which could also double as brick, and will no doubt feel lop-sided whilst getting used to the new, lighter, model.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
We had provided a disguise (wig, glasses, & false nose) for the colleague who was leaving - she may need them in her new job at a place that can't be mentioned, for government "department" where her husband works. Towards the end, her husband turned up to collect her - we asked how he found us, he tapped his nose and said "Remember where I work"... and blended into the crowd".
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Move along
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Big Brother
THE UK Home Secretary secretively signed a "special certificate" last year that gives foreign security agencies real-time access to traffic camera images and related data monitoring British motorists on highways throughout the UK.Opposition politicians and civil liberties advocates yesterday accused Gordon Brown's government of attempting to hide from Parliament its covert plans to facilitate international surveillance of UK citizens in violation of privacy laws.
Under the authorisation signed last July 4 by Jacqui Smith, video feeds and still images captured from roadside TV cameras, along with personal data derived from them, can be transmitted out of the UK to countries such as the US, that are outside the European Economic Area.
Home Secretary Smith failed to mention the exception in a statement she made to Parliament less than two weeks later on July 17, 2007 outlining Metropolitan Police exemptions to the 1998 Data Protection Act.
Time to start wearing a balaclava in the car and buy those rotating number plates
Wireless, accountless
That was when he remembered he had another BT Openzone account, and it was still active.
So here he is reflecting on a very busy day that started (as usual for Tuesdays) with a dawn dash across the country to Worcester. Reflections will continue in the pub!
Monday, April 21, 2008
So far the presentation reviews the outcome from 7 separate perspectives. The knack that he is trying to achieve is to keep it simple enough for the uninitiated, but technical enough for the various experts. GF feels a bit like Blondin.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Care and Collections
"In these surroundings" he thought "they'll think I'm the Grim Reaper on a collection run", and so he backed off and waited in the car, not wanting to upset the residents.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
This proved to be an eye-opener as National offered the Gorse Fox a replacement at £190. He was falltered that they obviously thought he was a man of means. He politely declined, muttering he would have to "talk to his man" about this. He moved on to Kwik Fit who took a more reasonable stance and offered a replacement for £160. This, whilst painful, seemed slightly more acceptable and the Gorse Fox told them to go ahead.
The frustrating part of this tale is that GF had done some research on the web and found eTyres who would have sorted out the tyre for £115 - if GF could have waited until Monday or Tuesday - but with a trip to Buckingham planned for tomorrow, this was not viable without chancing the journey without a spare(*).
(*) GF has never been much of a gambler.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Ahhh, Home
There's something about the last mile of the journey as the Gorse Fox heads towards the sea that allows the cares and frustrations of the wek and the journey to drop away.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Some days...
Or so he thought!
With rush hour traffic filling all lanes and the traffic moving at speed he sat chatting to his colleague, when there was a bang, a huge puff of blue smoke, and a horrible smell as the car attempted to swerve across the carriageway. Winding the window down slightly (to handle the smell) and steering to the hard shoulder it was clear that his trusty steed had just suffered a blowout in a back hoof.
Retrieving the spare from the boot, and trying to work out the tools, Gorse Fox and his lanky colleague started to consider the task ahead.
- Spare wheel - check.
- Jack - check.
- Tyre lever - check.
- Lockable wheel nut tool - check.
- Thingamy to release the wheel nut cover - ch... "How do you remove the wheel nut covers?". There was no obvious tool for this so GF phoned the garage (from memory) and woke up a very angry woman from Goring. He re-dialled and made her even more angry. He then looked up the number and got through to the garage. They explained where to find the "tool".
Finally all was done, the Agency staff were thanked and the Gorse Fox and colleague completed their journey without further incident.
Checking in to the conference went smoothly and the Gorse Fox went to grab a coffee and find a quiet place to take a teleconference call. It was at this point that someone backed into him and knocked his coffee all over his hand and down his trousers.
Muttering to himself he went to take the call... to find that it had been cancelled.
Some days... eh!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Touch of Spain
"Why not go to the Tapas restaurant?" she asked
"What Tapas restuarant?" came the chorus of replies
And so it came to pass that we invaded "The Lounge"... and what a find it turned out to be. Excellent surroundings, young enthusiastic staff, excellent menu (if you like tapas) and excellent service.
Each chose a favourite dish, then we additionally ordered one of everything on the menu to share... brilliant! With wine and everything, it still only cost £22 per head. Gorse Fox suspects this will become a regualr haunt.
A stitch in time
One offering may have been of interest to the Silver Vixen as it was Embroidery software... (though the £1700 price tag ruled it out, practically). However, just because it was Embroidery software doesn't mean that one should not consider it the way other software is reviewed. So in the interest of passing on his skills, here is a checklist for you:
- Would this software give me the needle?
- How easy is it to cotton on to?
- Is it reliable, or does it need patching?
- Is it stable, or does the screen keep bobbin?
- Is it multi-threaded?
- Is it thread-safe?
- Is it value for money, or are you being stitched up?
- Is the upgrade process seamless?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Positive energy
Monday, April 14, 2008
The young lady moved off, purchases clutched tightly to her body.
The young men approach the till and show the SatNax box. "Is that box empty?" asked the assistant. The men nodded in the affirmative. "Do you want me to get you a full one?" came the follow-up.
The Gorse Fox considered the conversation and whether there really was an alternative:
- Would they have queued for so long if all they wanted was an empty box?
- £229 seems a lot for a cardboard box.
- If it wasn't the box, was it the air inside they were willing to buy for £229?
- If it was either of these then the Gorse Fox wonders how many such purchases are made at Halfords each day and whether there is market for small cardboard boxes.
- Or just perhaps they really did want the SatNav, and the box was a clue for checkout person
(*) a bad year for some - well at least he assumes it was cos he's never met anyone from then, so they appear to have been wiped out.
EU Directive
Given the various mishaps that HMRC have been through with the accidental release of public data, it would seem that they are not competent and therefore should be excluded from such data.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Out of Darkness
Bricking it
Anyway, once empty and each of the bricks ferried down to the truck, we managed to dispose of the whole unit.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The usual Sus-Mex
The Silver Vixen and her sister had visited every shop in Worthing, Dom and Urban-cub had made great headway with the prep and plastering. (And the Gorse Fox had managed to get his code working to read both Calendars and Blogs from Google).
Liming - the Mexican-styled restaurant down near the Worthing sea-front seemed like the obvious choice. Informal, lively, and really good Mexican food. So, having booked, we trooped in and setled down to a very pleasant meal. Between us we demolished some Cajun Lamb (a very hearty sized lamb steak), fajitas, jambalaya, and two racks of ribs (each of which would have satisfied a small primary school).
Excellent evening
The Silver Vixen's sister and her partner arrived early this morning. The girls were going to have a girly-day whilst Dom helped out U-c by plastering some of the walls of the flat that still needed doing. Having assisted by escorting Dom to the hardware store and paying for the materials, GF has absented himself from that activity on two counts:
- He is pretty useless at plastering
- He is allergic to the kitten
Friday, April 11, 2008
Searching Google
What was stranger was that the seeker ended up here
Making History
Whichever way you look at the announcement it changed the face of computing. For the first time there was a computer that created a family of computers that would allow upgrades from one system to another without re-writing the software.
Over the early years of his career the Gorse Fox has worked with the following members and variations of this family:
S/360-50and in the last 25 years has been a user of so many variations that he cannot recall them.
S/370-168 (which was his favourite)
He only wishes he could remember which box holds his old S/360 POP (Principle of Operation).
Thursday, April 10, 2008
He settled down in his seat, directly behind a colleague that he has known for 20+ years, a young lady came and took the seat next to the Gorse Fox and nodded a polite greeting and offered to swap seats so that GF could sit with the aforementioned colleague. GF refused, explaining that that, after all, would be a recipe for talking shop the whole way back.
We took off, and the various in-flight entertainment gadgets were switched on. The young lady turned to the Gorse Fox, tapped him on the shoulder and said: "I just want to warn you that I'm going to watch a film." GF wasn't overly concerned, but she continued "By the end of it I will be in floods of tears, and I want to warn you that there's nothing wrong, and you shouldn't be concerned".
Well, thought the Gorse Fox, there's no accounting for folk. So he asked the obvious question "If you know the film is going to upset you so much, then why watch it?" and in the irrefutable logic that only a woman understands (or even acknowledges) she replied "Because it's sad, and I love it".
The Gorse Fox wished her the best and returned to his books.
(Just an aside - and credit where it is due; the Gorse Fox must say that he was very impressed with the attention and service offered by the Delta flight-crew on all 4 of his recent flights - their ground operation may be a bit of a shambles, but in-flight, they were excellent).
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Overall the conference has been superb, and the final speech from Starfleet's #2 was both informative and inspiring. There is no doubt about it, Starfleet is the most awesome organisation to work for... and whilst it has changed radically over the 34 years GF has worked with them, it is still brilliant - very different, but brilliant. Sitting with 4000 of the deepest technicians, fellows, inventors and researchers has certainly been educational and humbling.
All packed
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Waking up
After breakfast the keynote sessions started and then the electives. 4000 Starship technologists milled around like ants in an anthill as they went from session to session. So far, only one session has disappointed - the rest have been excellent.
There's another reception this evening, though it's here at the convention center so doesn't involve any extra coach journeys.
Safari so good
He left at about 10:00 and strolled to the car park where 70 coaches were queued up waiting to ferry us back to our hotels.
Monday, April 07, 2008
GF has just got back to his room. It has been a superb day, with some excellent elective sessions.
There's a reception tonight so he has to sign-off now and go and get ready
The event is in a huge convention centre about 30 minutes from the hotel. Once registered he made his way to the main hall where he was greeted by a space about the size of Berkshire filled with a)
Daunted at first (Gorse Fox is so painfully shy :¬) he set off to reconnoitre, stopping at tactical points to take on food or drink as the needs demanded, and reviewing each of the exhibits and talking to all and sundry (including some grizzly old specimens of his own or greater vintage).
He's glad he went, but now (21:15-ish) he needs sleep. (The coaches start running to the Centre from 0500 tomorrow - however, whilst eager, he doesn't want to seem too eager, so may choose to take a later bus - in fact he could guarantee it)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
When GF was working in Los Angeles he used to go along to the House of Blues there, and the B.B.King Blues Bar. It seems that you can always guarantee some fine music, and good food at this genre of restaurant.
All in all there are far worse places to be caught sheltering from monsoon-like rains.
Birds and rain
GF took the transfer bus to Downtown Disney - which is an area on the edge of Lake Buena Vista dedicated to merchandise: toys, Disney branded gifts, candy, ice cream, pretzels, and more restaurants than you could shake an umbrella at.
Now GF should explain that this part of Florida seems to be a series of lakes that are incidentally separated by strips of land. This seems strange at first, then around lunchtime (as the Gorse Fox was passing The House of Blues, curiously) the heavens just opened and the wam 75-80C day suddenly became a very wet 75-80C day. This is where the shaking of the umbrella would be useful (had he brought one). GF ducked into the afore-mentioned HoB and had a beer and a salad and watched the rain fall. Then as it eased off he headed back towards the transfer bus and mused that when you see the rain fall as it had the phenomenon of the lakes is not so great... indeed the presence of the land becomes surprising.
Civil Service - A Further Glossary
- "A few thoughts..." meaning:
"Thank you for showing me this. It is utter rubbish for the following reasons..." - "You will wish to be aware" meaning
"No you won't, it's really bad news." - "Please deal with as you consider appropriate." meaning
"Bin it, but don't blame me if you get found out." - "Seeking your agreement." meaning
"We've already started doing this. If you have any concerns, no-one wants to hear them." - "You may wish to consider..." meaning
"Just get on with it." - "Hope this is helpful" meaning
"I'm well aware it's not helpful at all. Please don't contact me again." - "In due course." meaning
"Probably never." - "Thank you for bringing this to my attention." meaning
"I hoped nobody was going to mention this."
The Joy of Travel
The Gorse Fox was travelling for about 21 hours yesterday,
- 0.75 was spent getting to Gatwick
- 4.5 of which were spent at Gatwick undergoing the usual waits and delays imposed by security and late aircraft.
- 9.5 hours were spent flying to Atlanta
- 1 hour was spent waiting by a carousel for baggage that they had delivered to another carousel and failed to tell anyone.
- 1 hour was spent waiting for them to shuffle people to get us on to the connection flight to Orlando
- 1.5 hours was spent flying to Orlando in a 767 doing impressions of a tumble-dryer as it bucked and plunged through heavy thunder cloud
- 1.5 hours was spent waiting for baggage at Orlando because the thunderstorm had closed the loading ramps for fear of lightning (which was pretty spectacular).
- 0.5 was spent checking in to and waiting for the coach transfer
- 0.5 hours was spent getting to the hotel
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Green is the new Red
" is the new red. And for those who wish to order us how to run our lives, faced with the uncomfortable evidence that economic prosperity is more likely to be achieved by less government intervention rather than more, naturally welcome the emergence of a new licence to intrude, to interfere, to tax, and to regulate: all in the great cause of saving the planet from the alleged horrors of global warming"
Read the whole article... It is a refreshing exposition of facts rather than the usual hype.
Early bird
This early bird arrived 20 minutes early for his 0600 check-in. The flight was overbooked and he was offered another flight... But refused. By six o'clock he's in the departure lounge only to find his flight is delayed by an hour, so now has four hours to kill.
So the bird is late and the worm is watching the world go by.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Westbound 767
The Gorse Fox sits in awe of such ridiculous pedantry.
Mmmm, what could the alternatives be?
- The victim died naturally and the body spontaneously fell apart.
- The victim died accidentally and they couldn't find a suitable coffin so dismembered it so it would fit into something smaller.
- It was suicide - and the victim dismembered herself in ritual act, scattering body parts across the beach as she went.
- The victim was born without a body.
The Government asserts that we need a new town in the South (not an unreasonable assertion given the population growth) and has listed 3 possible sites:
- Bordon
- Ford
- Micheldever
One of these will be selected as a new Eco-town. (Have you noticed that everything has to be prefixed with "Eco" nowadays - the Gorse Fox is concerned that we will exhaust the earth's resources of Es, Cs and Os as we seem to be consuming them at an alarming rate).
So let us examine the options:
- Bordon: an old garrison town between the A3 and A31, near to Winchester, Farnham, Basingstoke, Farnborough, Alton. Good transport links, nearby railway, plenty of nearby employment. The Garrison is about to move out and in doing so damage the local economy and make vast areas of "brownfield" sites available. A new development would be able to re-use the site and invigorate the economy.
- Ford: a disused airfield bounded by HMP Ford "Open Prison", no North-south routes, and the only east-west route is the single carriageway section of the A27. East-west railway line. No local opportunities for employment. Any inhabitant would have to travel for work... on infrastructure that does not exist.
- Micheldever: old village between the M3 and A303 on the main railway line through Hampshire. Close to Winchester, Andover and Basingstoke. Plenty of opportunity for employment, easy transport links.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Gorse Fox was able to listen from the safety of his study while retro-blogging the photos from Seville. Silver Vixen was unprotected as they had both settled in her sewing room.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Dinner in a Convent
We decided to take advice from the guide book once more and selected three possible establishments in the same general area. The idea being that we could check the menu of the first and move on if not to our liking.
We started at Don Raimundo, which was tucked back off one of the side streets and occupied what had once been an old convent. We stood by the door and examined the extensive menu. It looked good. We had a hit with the first choice. The restaurant was very plush and welcoming and we were ushered to our table.
Dinner was excellent with personal service from Mario - well it would be difficult not to have personal service when we were the only guests. Mario chatted about his trip to Bournemouth, how Seville drops to 5-10C in winter and that they may have 25 days with rain each year. Now, he explained it won't rain again until September.
After dinner and the accompanying bottle of wine, we headed back into the city and strolled slowly through the streets and plazas back to the hotel. Though ten at night the streets were still teeming, and the omnipresent motor scooters whizzed their riders homewards, seemingly oblivious to traffic convention.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Night in Seville
Seville is just as picturesque at night as it is during the day.
Don Raimundo
Well it was difficult to find. You'd certainly need to know where to look, but it was really rather sweet inside. We enjoyed the table d'hote which offered a good selection and a very agreeable price... and eat ourselves to a standstill.
Stangely, despite the size of Don Raimundo, we were the only patrons!!
Real Alcazhar... Back on plan A.
The Real Alcazhar is spectacular. Though smaller than Alhambra, it is similarly breathtaking. The visitor is not guided through in the regimented ways of Alhambra and so we were able to wander about at will. The photos will tell much of the story of courtyards, salons and wonderful gardens.
It was the gardens that we headed for, once we had seen the palace. They were laid out in a series of small areas, many hidden from the next. As you ventured further from the palace they remained regimented and sculpted and the necessary shade on the visitor.
Dragging ourselves away from the palace, we headed into Juderia. This is the maze of streets and alleys that made up the old Jewish quarter, nestling against the walls of the palace. Here we visited the Hospital that was built to care for impoverished priests. It is now a private foundation that makes money giving organ recitals. The Gorse Fox would observe, based on today's example that they are likely to run out of money... The organ recital today was absolutely dreadful.
Tapas was the perfect lunch, sitting in the sun watching el mundo go by (did you see the effortless way in which GF slipped into the vernacular?)
We headed north and east to the Casa del Pilotos. This was not to allow the Silver Vixen to do her exercises but to see another monumental building. The exterior belied the beauty that lay within the walls. Exquisite courtyards and gardens providing colour, water, and shade to magnificent Romanesque rooms and ranges.
Leaving there we headed for Plaza Ste Martha, near our hotel, and sat and soaked up the warm afternoon sun.
Casa de los Pilatos - 3
Once the tour began, the cameras were banned.
Casa de los Pilatos - 2
Casa de los Pilatos -1
As magnificent as this was, it was just a hint of what what was to come.
The Casa has nothing really to do with Pilate. It is just a local nickname because of the Romanesque architecture within, and the fact that the Stations of Cross start outside the Casa with Pilate washing his hands.
Hospital de los Venerables
The building was constructed as a home for elderly and infirm priests, begun in 1675.
This is a really nice building, now run by a private foundation (FOCUS). The foundation claims to be an ecological foundation supported by donations from organ recitals!
We made our back into the streets and found a Tapas Bar where we sat and soaked up the sunshine, some tapas, and a jug of sangria.
Gardens of the Alcazar - 3
The Gorse Fox suspects it was a summer house where, exhausted from walking a few hundred metres from the Palace, the royal personages could rest in the shade and quaff a shandy before heading back.