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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Today was no different. They had bought a Wii for Christmas as a "family" gift. (Blade works in a Gaming store so has access to such things). Once lunch was out of the way the cables, the remote, the nunchuks, the steering wheels and goodness knows what else came out.
The Silver Vixen had a go and soon got the knack (in danger of becoming a future Wii-whiz).
We moved on from bowling to Tennis, Baseball, Boxing, some driving games and goodness knows what else.
It is easy to see why these consoles sell so well and how people get drawn in to play together as a family.
Thaw for the Day
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Just chillin'
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Chill continues
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Not watching
The Chill
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Draining away
- He started jiggling and rotating the rods...
- It didn't work.
- He then tried the rods in the drain itself.
- It didn't work.
- He went back to the inspection cover and jiggled again.
- It didn't work.
- He returned to the drain and tried plunging it, scraping it and generally fiddling.
- There was a huge belch and the water disappeared.
Monday, December 22, 2008
- Long stick (for rootling about)
- Big screwdriver (to undo manhole cover)
- Trowel (to lift debris)
- Bucket (to receive debris)
- Power washer (to cover the surrounding area in debris)
- and so on
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Deck the Halls
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Gone in 60 seconds
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The drive back to the South Coast was very slow. The whole world seemed to be on the move and the A34 and M3 were particularly slow and congested. Eventually, GF staggered in through the door to be greeted by chaos.
Urban-cub was trying to put her wardrobes together in the hall. Like most modern furniture it had been designed to be put to together once and never touched. This was the second time (at least) that these had been dissassembled and on each occasion more damage was done to the various fixings and the cheap chipboard. As we trid to lift the unit on its side it collapsed. GF had to resort to double-threaded screws strategically placed to maintain the unit's integrity.
Next it had to be moved into the bedroom.
This is when it became clear that the bed had to be dismantled to make way for it. And this is when the Urban-cub managed to kick the footrail of the bed into GF's shin.
Eventually everything was in place. Enough was enough. Day was done,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The day at Worcester was spent esconced with a confusion of project
managers in a conference room with a couple of Smart Boards.
Meanwhile back on the south coast, Urban-cub is continuing her move...
piecemeal. Bit by bit her belongings are creeping into our house. The
big bits are being moved this evening, so she'll probably move in by
the weekend.
Tonight promises another concert by Cardinal Sin and the Bum Notes.
The last of their Stadium(*) gigs before Christmas.
(*)OK it's not a Stadium, it's a pub. (A very small pub)
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Long and Winding
The Gorse Fox was up and on the road soon after 5 heading across country to Worcester. The roads were quiet and the journey trouble-free.
Once in Worcester the day started with the normal daily review and then the Gorse Fox spent most of the rest of the day driving the now infamous spreadsheet whilst gaggle of project managers offered advice as to what numbers should be entered.
Day done, and PMs trying to enter the findings into a project plan, GF hopped back into his car and headed back to the South Coast.
That was a tiring day.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Skype allowed us to chat with Cousteau-cub until the line dropped after abot 45 minutes. Here it was grey and dull, cold and damp. There she was barbecueing outside their house at 11 pm. It was 37C and too hot still to go indoors. The tourists have dropped off a bit, probably due to a combination of the credit crunch and the recent protests at Bangkok airport. She's still managing to dive just as much but is often teaching one on one instead of groups.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The saga then began:
- He logged onto his Online banking account. The signal was poor in the hotel so he kept losing the connection.
- He went down to reception where the signal was stronger, logged on again and went to the relevant section to set up the transfer only to be rejected as he needs a special card-reader to authorise the the transaction. (Cousteau-cub has changed banks so he could use the existing transfer he has used in the past). He doesn't have one. It takes about a week or so for one to be provided and set-up.
- He phoned the bank. They couldn't help on the telephone banking desk but realising he was a Private Banking customer put him through to the Private Banking desk.
- The Private Banking desk couldn't help because he needed to be authorised for level 2 services. Apparently he hadn't requested this. (Gorse Fox not only had requested these services he even knew hs password and pin and secret question.... but "Computer says No").
- Only solution was a visit to the branch.
- The Gorse Fox would head out at lunchtime to do do this.
- The work on the spreadsheet model took over - Thursday was a 16 hour day - the bank would have to wait (for some reason they're not open at 11pm)
- So the Gorse Fox headed out into Saturday's gale to the Bank.
- The bank couldn't transfer the money because Cousteau-cub banks with a different organisation. (Gorse Fox thought that's what the clearing house was for). In the end he withdrew the cash (plus some extra because with all of the delays C-c has probably incurred some charges) and walked round the corner to her bank (praying it was open on a Saturday) to deposit the money.
Gorse Fox thought these online services were meant to make life easier... but because he may be laundering drug money or financing terrorism life has to be made intolerably frustrating.
Friday, December 12, 2008
GF expected the review to be somewhat tense... but actually it was very positive and whilst there were some areas where some changes were needed, in general it seemed well received.
GF got on the road early in the afternoon and was relieved to be home soon after dark.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Nothing to see
Big review tomorrow... so have to crack on.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Meetings started early again and then the rest of the day was spent
working on the Gorse Fox's estimating model (it makes climate models
seem trivial in comparison).
An exec turned up at the end of the day to pass on the latest
information from Starfleet (or at least our part, thereof).
Then it finally hit weird.
Online banking claimed that the Gorse Fox couldn't do what he wanted -
and the help phonelines claimed he could never have done it. Inb fact
he was trying to transfer some money to Cousteau-cub as he has done
many times before. There was no quick way round it... he'll have to go
into a branch.
Then he went to Spur 0... it was pie night. Everyone was expected to
bring and share a pie. GF, warned, had brought three pizzas. He was
abused - they're pizzas. So GF burst into song "When the moon hits
your eye like a big pizza pie; that's amoure" (ok he didn't sing -
that would be unfair on the gathered throng - he just quoted). With
this incontrovertable proof he was allowed in and pie night continued.
It was great fun.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Today was not an exception.
Armed with hot coffee GF was driving north by 0500. Podcasts kept him
occupied as he crossed the country and watched the temperature drop
bit by bit as he got closer to Worcester.
The morning was not one of life's pleasures... but as the meetings
finished and the work started the day improved immensely.
At the end of the day GF called the Silver Vixen to check on her day,
which was evidently equally stressful but for very different reasons -
it is always hard to say a final farewell to a loved one. Today was
Aunti P's final act.
Finally a pizza and some red wine called and GF and his colleagues
answered. It was only polite, so to do.
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Monday, December 08, 2008
Town. It makes a change, but does mean a fairly late trip home. The
Silver Vixen has gone up to Buckingham so it is not too inconvenient.
He has been at an interesting meeting for Starfleet leaders who are
dealing with The Fedferation. GF had to present what has been going on
in Worcester - just to keep the city folk appraised.
Dinner was interesting - it was too late to wait until he got home, it
was not feasible to go to dinner in town, so he stopped at Wasabi for
some Chicken Teryyaki and Udon Noodles. Excellent evening meal enyoyed
on the train as the Gorse Fox splattered it all over his fellow
travellers as the noodles flapped about between the container and his
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Sunday, December 07, 2008
The Gorse Fox helped out when a little muscle was needed but spent the second day of the weekend buried in spreadsheets to keep the esteemed client happy.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The Gorse Fox buried himself in admin - first expenses, then back to yesterday's spreadsheet. Not the ideal way to spend a December weekend but when you are getting "design by committee" progress is ephemeral. At least he is not expecting any further changes to pop up during the weekend.
Urban-cub spent the day setting up advertisements for her flat, taking photos of things she wanted to sell on eBay and and generally ticking off the items on her "action plan". Very organised!
The Gorse Fox thought he'd check on the progress of his aunt but phoned the wrong number and had a very pleasant chat with a complete stranger... it didn't help that when he said his name she obviously knew someone called the Gorse Fox and it was a little while before the penny dropped at each end of the phone line that neither end knew the other!
Friday, December 05, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The day has been spent buried in spreadsheets - which means that it has been a day of little stress and great pleasure. The Gorse Fox likes developing complex spreadsheets riddled with mathematics and complex relationships.
Looks like Urban-cub may be moving back in with the Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen for a while. This will be fun... and we look forward to it. (She will however have to find new homes for the cats as GF is so allergic to them).
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Working through
The Abbot and the the Welshbloke were given chef's whites and set to work.
The Gorse Fox and the other victims were given T-shirts... largest one being 36in chest. Much huffing and puffing and several minutes of contortions made it clear that the Gorse Fox's athletic frame was not going to fit into the said T-shirt. So off he went to start taking orders for the starters and main courses. It was a a terrific evening with great fun had by all present.
There was a quiz - which the Gorse Fox's table won, and a "guess the baby" where photocopies of baby photos had to be identified. This was all very fine, but the Gorse Fox's picture was guessed to be the late Andrex!!! One of the other tables won that - but then three of the people featured were at that table.
There seemed to be a worrying decline in red wine stocks throughout the evening, but it was not immediately evident why. Various "thick heads" this morning may provide a clue.
Monday, December 01, 2008
GF heads out soon after lunch for the cross-country drive.
Urban-cub was on the phone first thing and has invited herself round for dinner with the Siilver Vixen this evening so at least the void created by GF's early trip will be filled by U-c.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Lunch was fun affair, in this case at the Arun View, with some great fish (possibly the thickest skate wings the Gorse Fox has ever eaten).
Back home we lit the fire and sat an chatted well into the evening. The world was put to right, with discussions and solutions to:
- Benefits culture
- The horror of the events in Mumbai
- The pure "Empire" response of the Maitre d' in the Mumbai hotel who demanded that the correct champagne flutes were used when the hostages were breaking open some bubbly.
- The government demands that the banks lend money to get us out of the crises caused by the banks lending money.
- The danger of the "cult of celebrity" where clebrity sponsorship is enough to convince the masses that black is white - and the damage this is doing... and how Prince Charles has been named the second most dangerous "celebrity" on the planet for his baseless position on numerous scientific topics.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It was the man from the double-glazing company. Don't worry, he had been invited. It was time that the Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen thought about what they should do about the porch.
The pitch was entirely predictable:
- Open - get on good terms with the
victimclient. Try to be personable. Try not to bore them to death. Impress them with your importance and credentials (however inappropriate). Compliment them on their taste / location / coffee etc. Call the office to say what a good catch they would be and get permission to give them a good discount. - Determine the need - speak to the
victimclient about what it is they they they need, what they know about the company, and try to understand the competitive pressure. Try to ascertain thevictimclient's expectations on cost - this will be relevant in the next stage. (Look confused when thevictimclient says that cost is not the main determinant - ignore commenst regarding design as that is not within the abilities of your software). Take some notes as if this matters. Just as their eyes start to glaze over... - Propose - start trying to sell them whatever you came to sell (make it sound relevant to what they defined above, if necessary). Take lots of measurements. Suck on your teeth. Go and fetch some samples and give a totally inappropriate sales pitch considering they want a porch not double-glazed window units). Go and fetch the laptop to create some relevant designs. Huff and puff a bit as the software fails to draw anything more significant than a glass box and can't scale the door to the right size. Get out a calculator to start gathering some numbers (apparently the laptop's software isn't capable of managing costs). Treble the
victimclient's cost estimate and discount back to double the estimate. Test the water. Offer finance. Realise that you are losing... start to pack up. Make the all important (and expected) call back to HQ to say the sale is lost - this predicatably allows the manager to authorise a further discount to bring the price in at 1.5 times thevictimclient's original estimate. - Close - do a runner while there is still a chance that client may accept the offer once he has performed due diligence and got quotes from competitors.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Earlier bird
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Home again
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mother Superior
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
At the end of the day the Gorse Fox checked in to the hotel, called the Silver Vixen, and then headed off to the Indian Restaurant to meet up with some colleagues.
As the Gorse Fox's journey carved a furrow across the country dawn broke and as the sun began its brief winter dominance the moon disappeared and a gold glow lit the eastern horizon.
It promises to be a nice day.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Last Bastion
Despite the threat, the sun managed to highlight specimens that seemed to glow like fireworks exploding against the darkening sky.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Long and winding
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
departure of The Don back to the wastes of East Anglia. It has been
great fun working with him, and tonight he will be "seen off" in some
The evening is scheduled to start at a well known local purveyor of
Indian foodstuffs, followed by a gathering at several respectable
hostelries. The Gorse Fox will of course be keeping tabs on the
unfolding events from a respectful distance.
Now, must go; can hear a curry calling from the far end of town.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
got back to the hotel. He checked in and waddled up to his room - bags
clutched under his arm. Opening the door he was presented with
It was clear that the room had not been made-up. The Gorse Fox did a
fetching pirouette and headed back to reception.
The girl at reception was deeply embarrassed and most apologetic. The
Gorse Fox calmed her and said "The fact that there is a problem
doesn't matter; it's not your fault. What makes people come back is
how you deal with a problem"
The Gorse Fox was upgraded to a suite.
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Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Clearing the head

The Gorse Fox took advantage of this requirement and headed to the beach where the watery winter sky cast a feeble glow across the outgoing tide. The slight breeze was enough to blow away the cobwebs and refresh the little grey cells sufficient for him to continue his work.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
- After some debate, the brackets did not require a baton, but were screwed to the frame.
- The blind was unravelled and the core cut to length (distance between brackets minus 15 mm).
- The fabrice was then cut to length (lenght of core minus 4mm)
- The axle and ratchet were installed and the blind rolled up.
- The blind was offered up and found to fit, but it was tight.
- Too tight. The ratchet shed the beaded string.
- Back at floor level the core was shortened by a futher few mm
- The ratchet would not re-install
- The few mm, were too many mm. The blind was now loose.
- And the ratchet would neither take up its beaded string nor turn more 30 degrees.
Friday, November 14, 2008
At the office in Reading we spent the day "workshopping" that latest ideas about how land might be identified. The Gorse Fox always thought this was easy - if it's not wet, and you can't see through it - then it's land; apparently there's more to it than that, particularly if you keep animals on that land and they might move. The discussions ranged back and forth... but seemed to be quite productive.
GF also managed to get some time on the phone with the man from the Flying Horse. This proved very positive and should provide the input he needed for next week's Board.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Skeptics Guide to the UniverseNo more hotels until next week. Time to catch up with the Silver Vixen, and time to kick the virtual cat.
The Naked Scientist
Digital Planet
The News Quiz
News from Lake Wobegon
Unfortunately GF has to head back out first thing for a meeting in Reading that he really cannot afford the time to attend - but has to.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
GF seems to have spent most of the day displaying, talking about, and changing slides. This has not been without its moments of both fun and frustration. But all in all he thinks progress has been made.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dark Lord
The Dark Lord has not featured in this blog before now. He joined the project several months ago and has taken control of major aspects of what we do. Nobody is quite sure how he arrived on these shores but there are rumours that he landed at Whitby on an otherwise empty sailing barge.
There are several things you need to understand. He is charming. He seems to carry some cloak of invisibility, or supernatural power to just appear and disappear. He has the uncanny knack of appearing on your shoulder at moments when you are in deep thought. Nobody is sure whether he throws a shadow which could be why his appearance always seems so sudden. He has never been seen near any of the mirrors in the building and one may question whether he has a reflection.
The taxi lurched into motion as he tried to buckle his seat belt. The driver switched on the intercom.
"I'll take Westminster and Horseferry Road. There's been a murder in the Strand. It's bloody and it's chaos".The Gorse Fox took this all in as he made himself comfortable. There was pause.
"What happened on the Starnd then?" he asked - interested in the detailed gossip that only a taxi driver would know.The Gorse Fox sat back, confused, and re-parsed the conversation. This analysis showed up the initial flaw in his understanding... it wasn't "There's been a murder" it was "It's been murder". With this new interpretation it all made sense.
"Nuffin'" he replied "it's just weight of traffic".
Monday, November 10, 2008
Under water
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Belkin along from PC World
There was something wrong, but it wasn't immediately clear what.
He started the computers (they are all shut down over night). The room started to hum into life. But something was wrong.
He opened a browser and that's when it hit him. The lights were not on on the Broadband modem/router. He was bereft. No internet. No early morning news. No email. No blogging... and if he didn't get it sorted - no working from home.
He did some basic debugging - but the problem was terminal. A trip to PC World was required and so he whizzed across to Hove and sat there outside the shop, going Internet cold turkey, until they opened their doors and let him in to drool over the various choices available. Making his choice he rushed home and feverishly installed the magic box from Belkin.
The look of panic that had haunted him all morning disappeared. All was well. Normality had returned.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
In the neck
Friday, November 07, 2008
- He is like a cool beer on a hot day...
- A bowl of spaghetti is better organized... and with the advent of alphabetti spaghetti is probably better documented
Thursday, November 06, 2008
A Ringing in the Ears
It seems strange. The Gorse Fox travels back and forth across the country week in an week out. With a few exceptions his only company is the radio or iPod... but then, once in a while, he is interrupted by a phone call.
Like London buses, however, the interrupt is rarely singular. So it was this evening with the first call coming in as the Gorse Fox slid down onto the M3 near Winchester, then each time he ended a call, the phone would ring again and so it was right though until he arrived on his driveway.
Urban-cub was there when I arrived - she had stopped by to join us for supper.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
0 to Pizza Express he passed an Estate Agency. An elderley gentleman
dressed in brogues, twill trousers, a barbour jacket and neat hat
stood outside looking at the houses advertised in the window.
Through his white beard beard he chuckled as he read the descriptions
out loud and dropped into paroxysms of laughter every time he read the
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Out came the Gorse Fox's internet-enabled phone. We searched and searched on every keyword and idea that we could come up with... but we were unable to find anything. GF is sure the hunt will continue.
reservations through until Christmas, the hotel had managed to lose
his bookings. Fortunately he was there early enough to still get a
Dinner is planned for the local Tapas restaurant which is always good
value for money.
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Monday, November 03, 2008
Monday was back at the coalface which had very little to do with mining anything other than ideas to help with some research for the upcoming board meeting. The scope of this, however, continues to grow so keeps the GF on his toes.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
- that first moment when he realised he was stuck.
- the moment when he decided he had to call for help
- the smart alec comments of the first rescuers to attend the scene
- the morbid fear of toilet seats that will haunt the rest of his life
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Alter ego
- Existing security guards are not performing effectively
- Health and safety are demanding better accommodation for them
- Health and safety are demanding they take comfort breaks, requiring backup cover
- Residents have been complaining
- We'll be trapped if there's a power cut - refuted, gate can be backed with UPS and unlocked by master key to fail open.
- Emergency services can't enter - refuted, they are provided a master pin code
- It removes the Right of Way granted in the Deeds to the properties - GF can't see how this changes the status quo when the security guards have the existing gate down.
- There's no real problem anyway with non-residents parking for the beach - GF thinks that would very quickly change if KG was known to be open instead of guarded.
- Burglars would be able to get through - er! Hello! they can now when the guards aren't on duty.
- Cyclists will be able to get through - er! Hello! they can now with or with a guard.
- People will randomly push buttons until someone lets them in - as opposed to the guards justy waving them through.
- Gates will be closed at extra times without costing any more - seems logical
- Won't need to build facilities for the guards - which can't be placed by the gate anyway because KG doesn't own that land.
- Gates will deter or prevent non-residents from parking on the estate
Thursday, October 30, 2008
For All or was it Four all
GF is a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work he faces. The interrupt-driven nature of his time in Worcester is not conducive to completing things.
Heading back south mid-afternoon to attend an AGM during the evening.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
realised he has been maintaining this blog for four years as of this
Silver Vixen apparently had a fairly fraught journey back from
Buckingham due to the various weather related incidents that had
caused havoc across varios trunk roads.
A rumour is going round that another colleague has started a blog. GF
hasn't got to the bottom of thisd yet but will add it to the blogroll
when he tracks it down.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
With the clocks changing at the weekend and the change in the weather,
the Gorse Fox was greeted by icy windscreens in the pre-dawn dark.
Fortunately the heated windscreens quickly cleared the opaque view. As
it was half-term the roads were very quiet as he headed up to
The day was filled with a single meeting that consumed most of the
working day... but has hopefully provided some clarity.
The evening was very different. The Gorse Fox had been invited to the
home of the Mexican and his wife for mexican styled meal which was to
be followed by Cardinal SIn and the Bum Notes weekly rehearsal
session. It was a lovely evening and the food was excellent - only
surpassed by their hospitality.
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Unlocked police station burgled
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Funny Old Game
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Catching up
Friday, October 24, 2008
Cracking onwards
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Choosing your words
As we left to head for Funeral Director, where close family would follow the hearse in a limo, the question arose - "Is there enough room in your car? If not we could probably fit another body in ours!" The Gorse Fox bit his tongue - this was not the moment to giggle.
The Funeral went very well - with moving tributes from the family and then we repaired to a nearby hostelry for the wake.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
You have to laugh
He had bought a Wii and proudly discussed it with his friends. They teased him that he would have to stand up to play it... he looked shocked. He read the instructions for the games and realised that you did indeed have to stand up to play - you couldn't possibly do it from the armchair.
He was distraught.
The following morning he was back at the shop demanding his money back.
He stopped for diesel and some Rombout's coffee and then came the shock - as he waited to pull back into the traffic a BMW 5 series stopped and waved him out). This could be the first time this has ever been witnessed. He considered stopping and taking a photo - but decided that would delay the traffic further.
A generally good day at work was followed by a the journey south through the autumn sunset to Sussex.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
transferred to the new laptop and most of the applications are
installed and working again.
Needless to say it didn't go exactly to plan, but wasn't too bad.
Plan for the evening is dinner with Mother Superior at the local
purveyor of Indian cuisine along with the Abbott.
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Still going...
New toys
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Not Grey
More pictures
Saturday, October 18, 2008
This is, without doubt, one of the National Trusts' real treasures... and whilst, as members we entered without paying, there was a long snaking line of visitors willing to pay the entrance fee for a glimpse inside.
We were not disappointed. The views soon opened up upon a riot of autumn colour carefully framed by evergreens and huge specimen trees. Wheresoever you looked, there was a vista or image worth remembering or capturing.
A series of lakes ran through the middle of the grounds acting as a mirror, reflecting the powder blue of the sky and the cathedral of colour that poured from the foliage.

Friday, October 17, 2008
GORDON BROWN was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked Mr. BROWN if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'.
So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'.
A little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field & a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a 'tragedy.'"
"No," said GORDON - "that would be an accident."
A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy"
"I'm afraid not", explained GORDON - "that's what we would call great loss"
The room went silent. No other children volunteered GORDON searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?"
Finally, at the back of the room, little Johnny raised his hand...
In a quiet voice he said: "If an airplane carrying you and Mr Darling was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile & blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy"
"Fantastic!" exclaimed GORDON. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?"
"Well," says little Johnny "it has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either!"
Worcester's Got Talent
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
musical evening at the pub is having its first gig. Cardinal Sin and
the Bumnotes are about to hit the big time with an arena gig at Spur 0
this evening.
We'll all be there to support them and it should be good fun.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Move along
some people have been trying to second guess the GFs design and that
means that he now has to waste time discounting some of these.
Dinner was really pleasant with just a few of us meeting at the Tapas
restaurant for some fine enchilladas and some rioja.
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Monday, October 13, 2008
- Strictly Come Dancing
- Britain's Got Talent
- The X Factor
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Stupid Pills
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
meeting. The best laid plans were, however, nearly thwarted by traffic
in Swindon and and incident on the motorway near Fareham.
GF arrived at the meeting a little late, and the proceedings were well
under way. Fortunately there was little that could be considered
controversial so the meeting finished in good time.
Interesting snippets emerged when discussing the village history...
including a haunted house. What wasn't forthcoming was further detail
regarding the story that Dame Myra Hess lived on the estate during the
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008
owns chunks of the UK banking sector. He plans to wanser around a
number of the local banks at the weeknd and see what he should do with
them. Maybe a little re-decorationg and de-cluttering, or maybe some
new furniture. There also seems to be a lot of paper cluttering up the
drawers and that could be recycled into his pocket.
Seems like a plan.
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008
All done
re-structure various project aspects - or at least explaining what
needed to be done, and fortunately he now has a practitioner of the
satanic arts to get it done.
There were a few tense moments in the office this morning, but GF was
not involved and everything seemed to quieten down.
The afternoon featured a young colleague demonstrating a product that
Starfleet has recently acquired. It seemed to go well, and chances are
that it will be added to the portfolio.
GF caught up on news from the Silver Vixen and then headed out for a pizza.
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Monday, October 06, 2008
More than a feeling
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Ruby, ruby, ruby

We shared the table with our famous "Page 3 girl"... who we last saw featured on her birthday. It was nice to catch up on all of the gossip and the goings on and reminisce about earlier times at Starfleet. Much of this was done with sign language and by mouthing words over the sound of the band. This involved a great deal of laughter, eye-dabbing (from the laughter), and wondering what had become of "so-and-so".
It was the early hours of Sunday before we left and made our way back along the empty roads, through the blustery winds and rain to settle in the comfort of home.
(A note to anyone who may be visiting the Saville Court Hotel in the dark - the signs are "subtle" to say the least - in fact they are nigh on invisible in driving rain... but the entrance is actually right on the corner of Bishopsgate Road and Wick Lane.
Also a note to the band - if you have a sound level metre - and there was one clearly visible on the wall - the objective is to keep it in the green or amber and rarely touch the red... keeping the sound in the red all of the time means that you are probably distorting the sound - which for some may be a blessing, but last night's band were very good and the sound levels were detrimental).
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
for its first service... not bad after 19000 odd miles.
The core hours were filled with spreadsheets, contracts, and word
processing... but whilst stimulating, it does not warrant much further
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Thursday, October 02, 2008
New boy
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
saying farewell to a team member who is about to take a year's leave
of absence from Starfleet and go to live in Lagos. He will be missed
as he has been an excellent practitioner of the satanic arts, a
constant source of wit, and an ace bongo player in the "band".
The Gorse Fox was back in his room by nine.
He settled down to watch some TV but soon realised that there was
nothing of sufficient intellectual content to keep him amused. He
resorted to a podcast... by 10 minutes in he was bored with a
discussion that challenged whether or not the Vikings had sufficient
ink-making technology to have inks containg titanium dioxide. In the
greater scheme of things this did not feature highly on his catalogue
of missing knowledge to be acquired.
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Car Park
noticed a van "E-On Energy Networks" parked next to another smaller
van "Psychic Tarot Readings". He assumes there was a layline bewteen
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
All done
The usual journey was accompanied by technology news from various podcasts.
Once at the office the meetings started and seemd to fill the day -
though having said that several were cancelled and with different
priorities emerging the day turned out to be very different from the
At the end of the day some fine Austrian beers were calling the Gorse
Fox and his colleagues. A most pleasant aperitif before retiring for a
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Monday, September 29, 2008
- It started dark and grey and ended up bright and sunny
- GF started with a busy diary that seemed to clear itself
- A large email inbox seems to have become self-limiting
- Additional snippets of information have become available for the Parish wiki
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
few words of its completion suddenly disappeared before his very eyes.
He will try again, but may not have quite the same melifluent flow as
last time.
The long and meeting filled day started with a rather explosive
exchange of views in the office. GF was not involved, but was amused
by the invective and vigour employed by the protagonists.
After end to end meetings the Gorse Fox felt beckoned by a foaming ale
of Austrian origin with colleagues in Spur 0.
Then the siren song of a dough-based comestible covered in vegetables,
anchovies, and pepperoni attracted the Gorse Fox and his colleagues to
a local emporium, giving the owners a chance to reduce their stock of
fine wines.
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