The day started with thick fog. The forecast was that it would clear. With the autumn colours reaching their peak and us being only an hour from Westonbirt it seemed like a perfect detour on the way back home.
The fog thickened as we headed south, then of a sudden it cleared. We burst into bright sunshine. perfect.
Or so we thought. Two miles from Westonbirt the fog closed in once more!
We arrived soon after eleven thinking we would be early visitors. Fat chance. There must have been 5000 cars parked across the fields already. Despite this we ventured on.

We traipsed off into the woods following the seasonal route as it was marked through the Old Arboretum. Despite the lingering mist, the colours were clear to see... though perhaps lacked the vibrancy that bright sunshine would have brought.

At the edge of the wood by Holly Gate this specimen stood alone. Shrouded in to cool autumn mist.

Wherever you looked there were colours and vistas.
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