The dotted construction lines can be removed, but GF still has to draw the windows and doors, and add the other textures.

"There's no room for faith, truth, nor honesty in this bosom of thine. It is all filled up with guts and midriff."Given this week's news about the Prescott... Gorse Fox had to chuckle at its currency.
"people who drink and drive are despicable" but believes his clients are entitled to his best advice, without moral judgement
...if we used commercial criteria to assess Labour's record in power, some of its ministers would be in serious trouble. They wouldn't get through the door of a speakeasy, much less the British Standards Institution.
Now, has anyone in the Labour Party or Government gone over the loans scandal? Or recent education screw-ups? Or the immigration debacle? Or the tax-credit over-payment fiasco? Is anyone likely to go?
Come off it. Ministers love to urge businessmen to clean up their act, but you couldn't trust this mob to clean a kettle.
The Holy Grail of the food industry has been found. The flatulence-free baked bean
That will give new hope to pensioners, new hope to young people, new hope for the low paid and families, new hope for industry.
New hope for the whole of the British people.
We've had enough lies.
Enough sleaze. Enough excuses. Enough poverty. Enough unemployment. Enough failure. Enough is enough
"They are up to their necks in sleaze. For these politicians, morality is just about not getting caught. But morality is more than that, it's about right and wrong. We are a party of principle. We will earn the trust of the British people. We've had enough lies, enough sleaze."
"Hello, what service do require?"
"Dishwasher repairs please, and please hurry we're running out of cups"
"I was not a million miles away from Tel Aviv when last week’s ...
The woman stops.
She turns to her husband (lover / partner / toy boy).
"I don't care what they say, I'm taking my shoes off tonight".
Gorse Fox was sitting waiting for his pizza, musing on the reversed
baseball caps worn by the "crew". What stupid fashion!
But then he remembered bowler hats... and thanked his lucky stars that he
never had to wear that most ridiculous of all headgear, and that nobody
else does in these enlightened times.
A "pernicious and even dangerous poison" is present in the British media, Home Secretary Charles Clarke said today.
The politician accused parts of the Press of making incorrect and over-simplified statements about his Government's record on civil liberties. He said journalists had transferred totalitarian qualities to democracies such as the UK and the US following the collapse of "genuinely dangerous" dictatorships.
But the last word should go to Claire Aindow from Bolton, Lancashire: “I respectfully suggest the abolition of all road traffic laws, to be replaced by a single offence: driving like a berk. For example, driving at 90mph down an empty motorway at 10pm with good road conditions: fine. Driving at 90mph in the fog at 6pm on the M62: driving like a berk. Parking neatly, even if your large Jaguar is slightly outside the bay: fine. Causing hold-ups in a multi-storey by not going to the top straight away (where there is always space): driving like a berk. Should the legislators wish to discuss this further, I am at their disposal.”
A government claim the NHS is enjoying its "best year ever"
Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt made the assertion in a BBC Radio Five Live interview
The RCN surveyed 660 hospital-based senior nurses ahead of its conference starting in Bournemouth on Monday.
Some 45% said that there have been redundancies or a reduction in nursing posts where they work.
Nearly 60% said that they did not have enough staff to give their patients the standards of care they would like.
Millions of families will be forced to pay a new surcharge on their energy bills to help poorer people cover their fuel costs under radical proposals being considered by Ministers.
The suggestions accepted by a Government advisory group, sparke outrage last night
Davids broke down the left and slid a perfect ball across for Keane to tap in at the far post.
As Keane celebrated, Arsenal's players took out their anger on Davids, who they felt should not have played on with Eboue lying injured in the centre circle after colliding with Gilberto.
And with the game threatening to boil over, Wenger and Spurs counterpart Martin Jol squared up on the touchline - and later refused to shake hands after the final whistle.
"Large suburban gardens could be seized and replaced by blocks of flats under plans being considered by John Prescott"It would appear that:
any backgarden more than 100ft long would be deemed prime land for redevelopment.
Ms Cox, 29, says she has been called, among other things, "terrorist", "scum", "low life", and feels that she is constantly being held to account for the actions of President Bush and for US
foreign policy...
...She has travelled widely in other parts of Europe, Mexico, Canada and Australia but says this is the first time her pride in her country has been challenged in such a vitriolic way.
"People would make jokes about Americans but I didn't experience the pure hatred I have had since I came to live here.
You can always ask them if they've ever voted for Tony Blair.
It is little wonder that there is such a dislike and misunderstanding of Americans and American foreign policy when you consider the thread of anti-Americanism that runs through almost every related story that the BBC presents. Who do you think you are?
Eddie Chalmers, Dundee, UK
I'm not American but I too am fed up with the snide ignorant jibes of the trendy liberal left. America has been and continues to be a net benefit to the world and its economy. In general the people are open, hard-working, intelligent, and friendly.
Unfortunately the bias from the media - and I would accuse the BBC as being the worst culprit - only seems to report the negative side of any story featuring the US.
I do not agree with everything the US does, but I could say the same of the UK, France, Germany, Iran and so forth. I would not, however, pillory and abuse their citizens for collective shortcomings. Strange how Political Correctness works when you abuse the Welsh, but not when you abuse the Americans. Utter hypocrisy.
"...that Gordon Brown - who is taking £7.3 billion a year out of private pension funds - can look forward to a £100,000-a-year-retirement income, at today's prices, paid for out of our taxes.
And if he was to receive such a huge pension in the private sector, it would require a pot of more than £3 million and would attract tax at a penal 55 per cent."
"I used to go out with a vegetarian. To impress her, I even joined her in a nut roast for Christmas. What really pissed me off though was the cat sitting by the table eating prime steak."
Gorse Fox set cruise at 70
A Pillock decides to pull across dual carriageway in front of him
Gorse Fox stands up on brakes
Gorse Fox stops without making contact - somehow
All car drivers arround him stand on brakes
Cars are skidding and slewing everywhere
Pillock continues as if nothing has happened
Gorse Fox opens car window to disperse aromatic interior
"Well ya see, Norm, it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, as we know, kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers."