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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Saving time
This was a day for saving time. GF received a birthday gift from early in the year, just as GF's sister received a her birthday gift for last summer. Christmas gifts were also duly exchanged, and to save time GF's sister gave him a pad of 365 insults to cover us for the next year !
[File under: Whimsy]
Duelling is now highly illegal, but as you will have dispatched a van driver, no jury is likely to convict.He continues:
At the discretion of the wronged party, and for the full mother-he-has-killed-me-dies effect, the duel can be fought to the death. But it is acceptable to fight to "first blood", in which case once you have brought forth the crimson fluid from the van driver he is deemed to be the loser.As GF is about to take Cousteau-cub back to Brighton, he will ensure that he places his rapier in the back of the car.
[File under: Motoring]
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
- Avoid foul-mannered children using the aisles as running tracks, but failing to slip on the wet surface and thus provide light relief to the multitude.
- Avoid people who had over-dosed on stupid pills during the festivities and were leaving their trolleys perpendicular to the displays
- Avoid the people who, fed up with fighting at home, had come to have a row in public
- Avoid the usual corpses who were shuffling round, blinking in the bright lights, unsure why they were there at all.
- Pick up a few groceries
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
A Stroll in the Afternoon

GF should point out, this was not one of his "walks", this was just an afternoon stroll to stretch the muscles and get some air. Strolling first along the beach he made his way to Ferring and then headed inland to the centre of the village. Very few people were out and about, and though walking through the village streets it was as deserted as the Downs. Looping back Gorse Fox crossed Ferring Rife (where this photo was taken, looking North towards Highdown). A puff of smoke could be seen near the top left, and this quickly grew into thick dense smoke, accompanied by crackling and several small explosions. GF is not sure what was going on, but it seemed to be in the yard behind one of the nurseries... and soon the "nee-naw, nee-naw" of the fire brigrade could be heard heading for the conflagration. GF assumes everything was soon under control as the clouds of dense black smoke quickly dispersed, though the smell of burning rubber lingered in the air.

A modicum of peace descends upon the house... along with a flurry of snow.
[File under: Diary]
Monday, December 26, 2005
What puzzles the Gorse Fox is Why did she hide the mince pies? It's not as if we are addicted to them,
GF doesn't believe they are generally a target for burglary,
nor are they usually considered an investment opportunity ("I'm just laying down some mince pies to sell when I retire in order to boost my pension")
and they were not a surprise gift for the cubs.
So why hide them?
[File under: Diary]
Sunday, December 25, 2005

The cubs hav bought him a stockman's coat. GF isn't the ideal shape for such a coat - being stocky rather that tall - but will make good use of it whilst walking on the Downs in inclement weather.
Possibly the most interesting gift, however, was a DVD made by The Bishop. He had made a documentary from his collection of photos, film, and video which related the life of GF's father, GF's and his sister's early life, and even footage from the GF & SV's wedding. All of this must have taken hours to put together and will be treasured.
I hope you all have had a Christmas as pleasant and peaceful as we have.

[File under: Diary]
The Gorse Fox sincerely wishes all of you an immensely Happy Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful New Year.
God Bless you all.
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Beached Boat
[File under: Beach]
Winter Stroll
[File under: Sussex Walk]
Theory of Gender and Christmas Shopping
Silver Vixen was convinced today would be busy... Gorse Fox has a different view. Gorse Fox's theory of Christmas shopping is:
In general women are well organised and will have completed all of their shopping and will be at home avoiding the last minute rush. Men will have deliberately left it until today knowing that
- most women/children will be at home;
- he can hurtle round the shops at his own speed;
- he doesn't have to stop to look at things and say "ooh isn't that nice" or "Arrr, that would go well with her blouse";
- he does not have to sniff scented candles - since the introduction of a reliable electricity supply candles hold a dubious position in the household;
- the shops will only be occupied by men;
- if a friend bumps into them they can say "Must rush, still presents to get" and charge onwards without causing offence.
- empty coloured boxes - what's the point?
- the faster the shopping experience, the longer he can spend in the gadget / hi-fi / computer shop
[File under: Whimsy]
Friday, December 23, 2005
Prescott gives EU stars the same status as Union flag
Labour was accused of its second surrender to Brussels in a week yesterday after it emerged that the European Union's flag is effectively to be redesignated as a national symbol.
John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister, will unveil plans in the new year to drop restrictions on flying the flag.
To paraphrase an English King, Henry II (remember when we had country called England?) "Will no one rid me of this troublesome
At what point does the ODPM's destruction actually become treason?
[File under: John Prescott, EU Flag,, Treason]
Gay Freedom
When GF was young "gay" meant happy, jolly and content. What we now consider as "gay" was illegal.
By the 1960's & 1970's "gay" behaviour was talked about in the context of famous politicians. It was still illegal, but tolerated.
In the 1980's and 1990's "gay" behaviour was legalised and openly flaunted.
In this decade "gay" relationships can be enshrined in law and any negative discussion of "gay" lifestyle is ruthlessly stamped out. As an example we have seen the latest example of the couple from Fleetwood in Lancashire being "visited" by the
GF believes everyone is worthy of respect, whatever their colour, their creed, their sexual orientation, dammit even the football team they support. But GF is desperatley worried about two things:
- Whether a "gay" lifestyle may complete the recent changes and become complusory!
- And whether we will ever regain the right to free speech in this country
[File under: Gay, Freedom]
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Five lions found on motorway
Five lions have been found in an abandoned circus truck in the middle of a Brazilian motorway.
A police spokesman told Folha de São Paulo: "We could not believe our eyes and ears when we saw all those lions together in this abandoned truck in the middle of the road - and boy they did look hungry!
Microsoft may face daily EU fine
IF GF was Bill Gates he'd tell the EU to get stuffed. Starfleet has had similar problems in the past and had to reveal its systems, and the underlying intellectual capital and research that it had spent years investing in. Then of course anyone can hop on the bandwagon without any investment or hard work all in the name of competition.
Why, wonders the Gorse Fox, are pharmaceutical companies protected but not IT companies? Seems like a precedent worth arguing in court... then if the argument is lost it would force drugs companies to reduce their prices and publish their science the way Microsoft & Starfleet would have to.
[File under: Microsoft, EU]
[File under: Diary]
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
An observation, however, Gorse Fox has decided it should be legal to carry small doses of sleep inducing chemicals so that parents who are stupid enough to bring small children on packed commuter trains (fo a day out!!) can administer said dose to the children before they start to scream and wake up those commuters who did not need narcotics to achieve a state of suspended animation.
[File under: Diary]
Ooops, sorry. Not quite sure what came over the GF just then. Must have been something he ate.
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
"As far as Prescott is concerned if one child can't have it, no children can have it."
The lumbering dinosaur seems to espouse an intellectual scorched earth policy. Taking it to its logical conclusion we should:
- Dispose of our cars - not everyone has one (in fact not everyone has two jags)
- Dispose of our phones and gadgets - not everyone has one
- Dispose of our houses (oh, no he's doing that!)
- Dispose of our grasp of the English langauge - he doesn't have one
- The list goes ever on as the ODPM tries to drive us back to the stone age where people of his apparent intellect might feel adequate
- Playing a keyboard instrument is a bit like shooting a gun - if you miss the target (a key in this case) you have missed. There is no such thing as close enough on a keyboard.
- In order to make time for this recital, lunch was evidently cooked last March and has been kept warm ever since.
- The concept of cutting gravy will not catch one.
- Brussel sprouts should not be used as biological weapons.
Women, when young, are usually musical and in general can hold a note. Then, when women reach a certain age they turn into screetch owls. This is characterized by the fact that they a) cannot hit a note; b) cannot hear a note; c) become too confident of their own musical adequacy; and d) start to sing louder. When they reach this point, singing in public should be punishable with imprisonment or at very least an ASBO
[File under: Whimsy, Carols]
Expensive Tastes
The luxury treats, each coated in 24-carat gold leaf thin enough to be edible, will hit Britain just in time for Christmas.
The manufacturer tells us:
He said: "When I first had the idea I just knew it would work - both substances are just so wonderfully sinful I knew they would fit together."Gorse Fox would add "what about curry and beer?", equally decadent and equally matched.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Education & John Prescott
He points out that the reforms MAY disadvantage some children... GF would argue that the current system dictates against the brightest, most talented children... and continues to do so right through to University where government quotas not aptitude determine who is to get places in higher education
John Prescott espouses everything that is wrong about Labour... it is all about envy and who you can reduce everyone to the lowest level of equality... rather than how you can empower people to be the best they can be and raise everyone's standards.
Monday morning rant over.
[File under: Education, John Prescott]
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Worcester Cathedral
[File under: Worcester Cathedral]
Worcester Cathedral Choir
[File under: Worcester Cathedral]
Worcester Cathdral High Altar
[File under: Worcester Cathedral]
Buttresses of Worcester Cathedral
Then it was time to look around. The Royal Worcester Pocelain factory was the first stop... and was surprise for the sheer variety of goods that were on sale in their varios outlets. Being late afternoon it was too late to consider the museum or factory tour. They can wait for another trip.
From the factory shops we went to the Cathedral. GF loves Cathedral architecture, particularly the soaring gothic arches, buttresses and flying buttresses. Inside, despite the near zero temperatures of the winter evening, it was warm and bright, and a wonderful place to spend a few quiet minutes.
[File under: Royal Worcester, Worcester Cathedral]
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, December 17, 2005
[File under: Diary, Faffing]
Friday, December 16, 2005
We were soon home and trying to work out how 37 cubic metres of assorted food was going to fit in to a pair of 6 cubic metre fridge/freezers. We await the food fairy to turn up overnight to finish the storage of the remaining comestibles.
[File under: Christmas Food Shopping]
[File under: Whimsy]
Typepad goes titsup
[File under: Typepad, Blogger]
A Star is Bored
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, December 15, 2005
999 Trunk call
There have been a number of sightings around the city but no one has tried to catch the elephant yet.It reminds the Gorse Fox of the old chestnut... An elephant was seen doing a ton on the M1, police advise motorists to treat it as a roundabout!
Local media say it's unclear which arm of the St Petersburg emergency services is responsible for escaped elephants.
[File under: Whimsy, Elephants, St Petersburg]
Honesty in Government
- For most PMQs, who gives a damn about the timeliness - nothing in government happens in "real time", so why bother? who cares - the MPs and the media, so what?
- As for accuracy - One of the greatest "crimes" an MP can be accused of is that of "misleading the House".
Gorse Fox was just wondering why MPs can'y mislead each other... but have turned the art of misleading the public into a national sport? Surely it should be a greater crime to exercise dishonesty in the face of your employer?
[File under: Whimsy, Misleading Parliament]
[File under: Whimsy]
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Romanian builders are in trouble after geese ate the walls of the school they were supposed to be renovating.It goes on to explain:
After all a goose is just a goose. This project was financed by the public budget and I don't blame the birds for the damages. It's the builders' fault because they didn't take care of their work.Now assuming that Avian Influenza doesn't wipe out Hampshire's geese, GF suggests that Barney keeps his eyes open.
[File under: Whimsy]
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Had a pleasant evening in Malvern with Boston and The Mighty Atom. The trio went along to a local Indian Restaurant for and evening of fine conversation and good food.
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Th cubs Christmas presents should turn up today, all being well... only the Silver Vixen to sort out now!
[File under: Diary]
Monday, December 12, 2005
[File under: Whimsy]
Every cloud has a silver lining
A smile crept across his face.
Should GF snigger at such destruction?
Probably not but think of
[File under: Buncefield, Hemel Hempstead, Gordon Brown]
Gorse Fox has to see his commander on Friday, so must complete his self-assessment today. Starfleet expects its troopers to write their own appraisal, based on the feedback received. GF finds this a little stressful. It seems so un-English to promote one's own efforts and successes - rather they should be down-played and shrugged off. This is not an easy task each year.
[File under: Appraisals]
Sunday, December 11, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Christmas Shopping
- Means never queuing to get in a car park
- Means not being ignored by sales staff
- Means not have to lug presents up and down the High Street
- Means not getting cold or wet when shopping
- Means not polluting the environment with the noxious gasses caused by his car
- Means not worrying about closing time
Means stress free shopping
- Is x from Store A really the same as x1 from Store B?
- Is that the best price for delivery?
- Does the price include VAT?
- Is it better to go for slower cheaper delivery, or faster premium priced delivery?
- Will GF be in the day they deliver?
A NOTE To The POLITICALLY CORRECT: This is Christmas or Hannakah... it is not Winterval, or any of these new trendy names. This has been known as Christmas for the best part of a couple of thousand years and GF is NOT going to stop calling it as such as sop to the pathetic liberal multi-cultural apologists who are destroying free speech and the heritage of our country.
[File under: Christmas Presents, Online shopping]
Friday, December 09, 2005
Drop dead - No don't !
The mayor of a Brazilian town is trying to bring in a law making it illegal for residents to die.Why? oh that's simple:
the town's only cemetery is fullMaybe that's the secret of eternal life... just ban death. Simple really.
[File under: Whimsy, WhimsyBrazil, Death]
Interesting list of birds to be included:
Chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pheasants, quail, guinea fowl, partridges, pigeons reared for meat only, emus, ostriches, cassowaries, rheas and kiwis.GF would like to openly acknowledge the work done by his delivery team who converted ideas into reality. (No names, to protect the innocent).
[File under: Avian Flu]
Tinkerbell phoned for a 30 minute bleat... then Teddy Bear phoned for some status setting.
The Gorse Fox's work for the sneezing chickens has come to fruition this morning with the launch of a new system for poultry keepers to register their flocks... currently just call-centre based, but several enhancements still planned over the next few weeks including self-registration, but at least things are under way.
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I suppose as a politician you must get used to humbug, hypocrisy and sickening opportunism, but when Gordon Brown stood up and announced to the Labour Party conference that the chief defect of David Cameron, as Tory leader, was that he was "an old Etonian", I am afraid I almost blew a gasket.
It's not just that I, too, had the joy of attending the Fettes of England. It is not the sheer chippiness I resent. It is not his pathetic attempt to curry favour with his rank-and-file followers by making snide remarks about an opponent's background, when he is himself the son of the manse and the beneficiary of one of the finest educations this country can provide, at one of its very poshest universities.
It is the rank dishonesty of the Chancellor I dislike. He is attempting to re-open a class divide that long ago disappeared, and he and his party are refusing to admit the existence of the real divide in our society.
and it continues with further insightful discourse. GF recommends it.
GF is surprised that
[File under: David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Boris Johnson]
[File under: Diary]
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
[File under: Motoring]
A Small Miracle
[File under: WiFi]
Quiet evening back in the hotel - must say that prefer not to stay there. Room was cold, no WiFi or even ethernet access, and lousy traffic round the ring road. Note to Best Western "It's the 21st Century guys! Adequate heating and Internet access should be standard".
New project manager joined the team this morning. Seems like a good chap.
[File under: Diary, Best Western]
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Monday, December 05, 2005
Ananova - World's first musical sandwich
The sandwich plays a medley of Christmas tunes when the packaging is opened.Oh really! What will they think of next?
"One idea already under consideration is working with record companies to launch songs by new artists on the market by way of the musical sandwich."Do you think Apple may retalliate? An iPod that dispenses ham and cheese?
[File under: Whimsy, iPod,Sandwich]
GF notices a headline on BBC News online Parents back knives ban. It is not remarkable in itself. It is more a case of wondering whether it's news.
What's the alternative? and GF's mind started to wander:
- Parents encourage the carrying of knives
- National curriculum extended to cover knife combat
- Child receives throwing stars with marked homework
- The GCSE Biology practical includes stitchwork
- Marks & Spencer introduce thermal knife vests for the under fives
- ITV introduces new reality show "Knife Swap"
- A friendly shop near Datchet opens a website
- Scar music becomes popular
- A old band rebrands itself, led by Mick Dagger
- Stilletto heels become a tradeable commodity (beyond Essex)
- A boy scout is arrested for wounding within tent
[File under: Whimsy, Knives]
Sunday, December 04, 2005
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Blowing cobwebs

The Gorse Fox headed home and went through some admin before deciding that it was time to get some air. His aim was a walk along the beach, but he had not catered for the cold wind blowing in from the channel, and had not dressed adequately... so bottled out pretty quickly.
Never mind. There is something cathartic about walking along the tide line with a cold wind blowing the salt spray across the shore. The storms of the last few days had obviously been stronger than GF had realised as he find several small fish (about 6 inches long) which had been cast right up beyond the normal high tide mark.

This got the GF thinking. Toyota sem to have an excellent reputation, but also seem to have several manufacturing blindspots:
- there is no 1.8 Auto for the Corolla. You have to go to the Avensis for that? Why? The Silver Vixen doesn't want a car the size of an Avensis.
- Where are the diesel automatics?
- Why ais there talk of dropping the multimode gearbox on the Corolla Verso?
[File under: Motoring, Toyota]
The MPs, whose salary is £59,095, are also demanding, in addition to the inflation-busting pay increase, an improved petrol allowance. Last year it was cut from 57.7p for the first 20,000 miles to 40p, in line with Inland Revenue rates.Is it any surpise then that they don't squeal when petrol prices go up and the robber baron Gordon Brown pockets more tax... they don't even notice it.
The MPs argue that their salaries have fallen by 12 per cent against their public sector counterparts and 15 per cent in the private sector since they lost the right to set their own pay in 1994.B*ll**ks. In the private sector pay may rise, but as a rule it is justified on improved productivity or promotion. GF has seen no improved productivity from government (indeed the continued growth of the civil service indicates the opposite), and the only promotion for most MPs is self-promotion.
Vince Cable, the Lib Dem Treasury spokesman, said: “This will be embarrassing for MPs. I could have earned a great deal more outside Parliament, but that is not what you go into politics for.”
Quite right. GF thinks such brazen, self-serving insensitivity is one of the marks of modern politics.
[File under: MP Salary]
Friday, December 02, 2005
A few useful facts:
- A 10.1MB Word file converted to Open Office was 158KB
- Open Office is free
- The download for the whole suite id only 70MB
- Open Office (already) uses open standards
- The suite includes:
- Text Document composer
- Spreadsheet
- Presentation
- Drawing (which includes exporting of SVG files)
- Database integration that allows use of existing databases, or the generation of databses in an imbedded HSQLDB engine.
Gorse Fox commends it, he is mightily impressed. Do visit
[File under: OpenOffice, Microsoft, MS Word]
Pausing briefly to warp himself round a fine glass of wine, GF started to put the new bed together. This turned out to be a lengthy task and Sir Lancinglot came along to give a hand.
GF should point out that he and the Silver Vixen have a very large bedroom, and the previous bed was lost in its wide open spaces. (Herds of wildebeest had sometimes been seen migrating across the far side of the room). This new bed, however, is more fitting to the acreage. The beautifully crafted oak bed now sits majestically in the corner of the room. It is so large, that GF considered painting white lines on the quilt cover and renting it out at weekends as a football pitch, but decided that stud marks would be inappropriate.
(Any comments regarding the GF and studs are entirely within you own mind)
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, December 01, 2005
The cretin.
When he gets his come uppence (which he surely will, driving like that) one only hopes that the only other victim is a motorway bridge or something equally solid and inanimate.
[File under: Motoring]
[File under: Diary]
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Air Guitar
Finnish computer science students have devised a system which enables air guitarists to hear themselves 'play'.If you have never seen the World Air Guitar Championships, the GF commends them to you. They are usually held at the end of August in Oulu, Finland. Watching the webcast one year GF & the Cousteau-cub nearly had asthma attacks from the laughing.
The Virtual Air Guitar project, developed at the Helsinki University of Technology, adds genuine electric guitar sounds to the air guitar.
[File under: Science and Technology, Air Guitar]
Sally's Traffic
Heading back down to Sussex from the insurance event at near Birmingham he found himself sitting on the M40 whilst three lanes of traffic sat there waiting for the road to be cleared of debris from an earlier accident. It was frustrating, but reminded the GF how lucky he is with his normal route to and from Worcester. Having said that, cars had been abandoned in the snow on his normal route, the night before... good job he was halfay up the Malvern Hills.
[File under: Motoring]
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Pull out
Interesting Thought for the day: - Gotta love the logic.GF should have taken his flak jacket last month!
If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000.
The rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: Pull out of Washington D.C.
In God We Trust
[File under: Iraq, Washington]
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Monday, November 28, 2005
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Simply Insane
What was not considered was the Bugatti Veyron, discussed this day by the great philosopher of our time (Jeremy Clarkson).
"Make no mistake, 200mph is at the limit of what man can do right now. Which is why the new Bugatti Veyron is worthy of some industrial strength genuflection. Because it can do 252mph. And that’s just mad — 252mph means that in straight and level flight this car is as near as makes no difference as fast as a Hawker Hurricane."
He goes on (and on):
you can top 400kph.
That’s 370ft a second.
You might want to ponder that for a moment. Covering the length of a football pitch, in a second, in a car.
Err... what about stopping?
Factor in the carbon ceramic discs and you will pull up from 250mph in just 10sec. Sounds good, but in those 10sec you’ll have covered a third of a mile.
That’s five football pitches to stop.
Would this suit the Silver Vixen? GF suspects it is a little low slung for her exquisite frame... which is just as well at £810,000.
Some stats: 1001bhp, 0-62 in 2.5sec, top speed 252mph. GF would like one just to irritate the speed fascists. In fact he would like one just to think that he had £810,000 spare to spend on a car!!!
[File under: Motoring]
[he] was nearly pushed by bully boy ex-Health Secretary John Reid. "Reid couldn't abide the way Donaldson put public health above Labour's interests and was desperate to get rid of him".Says it all really doesn't it?
We also hear that MP Sadiq Khan was prevented from visiting the earthquake zone in Pakistan. he was told his "career is f*****". Why? He voted against the government over the terror bill.
[File under: New Labour, Politics]
- A Bible, a candle and a bell (to exorcise the Forces of darkness), and
- Aqualung and flippers, (in case you are brought on as a subsitute - after all, divers need to be equipped), and
- Ensure you have ready access to a decompression chamber (see 2, above)
- Ensure you have something arranged regarding decontamination afterwards.
By the way, had you heard that the Forces of darkness have release perfume. It was featured on the radio yesterday. it's called something like "Arsenal 1886" and Arsenal Is Classified As A Sharp, Oriental, Floral Fragrance... and as the Daily Mirror says:
JUST one disappointment about the new Arsenal perfume, available now at Perfume Shop stores.personally GF would be suspicious of any perfume with the word Arse involved.
It's called 1886 Cologne. And not Eau De Arse.
But there's an upside. With an alcohol content of 80%, it's upholding a fine Gunners tradition.
[File under: Whimsy, Arsenal]
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Grandmaster of Iron Crotch
An assistant then kicked him hard between the legs before he lashed himself to the vehicle.and
Jin-Sheng, originally from Taiwan, is the grandmaster of Iron Crotch, a branch of Qigong said to have 60,000 followers worldwide.
Its practitioners are known to lift hundreds of pounds with their genitals to increase energy and sexual performance.
Gorse Fox is not sure that he can top that, but is just of to weigh his laptop.
[File under: Whimsy]
Well Yer Honour...
A US student who was arrested for indecent exposure at a careers fair says it was a work of performance art.Gorse Fox is not sure he will think of highlighter pens quite the same way in the future. You'll have to read it to find out why.
[File under: Whimsy]
Hope to find time for a walk today as guests are expected on Sunday... but don't hold out much hope.
[File under: Diary]
Friday, November 25, 2005
Red Card
[File under: George Best]
Informed opinion
Coming so soon after the Asian Bird-Flu hysteria and its disappointingly-low casualty figures of a blue-tit with a bit of a cough, a chicken with a sore throat and two parrots who needed a lie down in a darkened room for a couple of hours, the tabloid newspaper editors were - of course - getting desperate for a new scare story. All of them were on the look out for something - anything - they could use to whip the unthinking hordes into a frenzy of ill-informed speculation, panic and instinctive newspaper purchase.
[File under: Avian Flu, Whimsy]
Chancellor Gordon Brown has been accused of trying to scupper proposals for the future of pensions before they are even published.Well, that bit is understandable... he's tried to scupper existing pension schemes by stealing £5Bn per year from them. But then we hear:
Mr Brown is believed to oppose raising the state pension age to pay for restoring the pensions-earnings link.
On Thursday night, he said reforms must be "sustainable, fair and affordable".
Well, Gorse Fox suggests that if he wants them to be fair, he changes MPs pensions so that they mirror the average private pension afforded to the rest of us. That would be FAIR... and then the rest of us would feel a little happier about him fiddling while our pensions burn (a hole in his pocket).
[File under: Pensions, Gordon Brown]
Thursday, November 24, 2005
- There was no warning
- It was the wrong sort of snow
- It melted then re-froze washing away the grit
- So what
[File under: Whimsy]
And finally...
regrading interesting iPod developments:
Boffins have invented a sex toy that connects up to an iPod and vibrates in time to the music.
The vibrations get faster as the music gets louder on the £25 iBuzz, reports the Sun Online.
GF thinks that this is nothing new. Indeed did Kiki Dee not sing "I got the music in me, I got the music in me, I got the mu-sic in me"
[File under: iPod,Whimsy]
Order me a new Dyson
Two cleaning ladies are being investigated for using industrial vacuum cleaners to suck cash out of casino slot machines.
This is where the continued suction of the bagless Dyson is so valuable.
[File under: Whimsy]
Now, whilst on avian subjects, the GF was amused by this little item from the ever informative Ananova:
A cheating husband was exposed after his wife's parrot mimicked his voice calling out another woman's name.
Frank Ficker, 50, has now been kicked out of the family home by wife Petra, also 50, after she heard their 12-year-old parrot Hugo impersonating him on the phone to another woman,
I'll bet that's one parrot that Frank wishes had had Bird Flu.
[File under: Whimsy]
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Trying again this morning, the same problem was evident - t-Mobile claiming GF was already logged in. He phoned the helpline, and sure enough had remained logged in since last night. Will phone billing department when they open... but susect this has been a costly lesson. Suggest that you always check you are logged-off as well as disconnected.
[File under: Wireless HotSpot]
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Soon after arriving, the Mighty Atom turned up and we started on a staccato induction as GF had to take one interrupt after another.
[File under: Diary]
GF is about to head across country to Worcester.
[File under: Diary]
Monday, November 21, 2005
Bag snatcher knocks himself out
A man has been charged with robbery after allegedly snatching a woman's handbag and then running into a wall and knocking himself out.Gorse Fox will chuckle about this right up to the point when the man sues the owner of the wall.
[File under: Just desserts]
Britain is ready to go nuclear
Less than two years after a government paper called nuclear power an unattractive option, the Prime Minister has become convinced that building nuclear power stations is the only way to secure energy needs and meet obligations to reduce carbon emissions.
GF thinks this is good and sensible news at a time when we we had seemed to be increasingly dependent on foreign energy sources. The best part of this, however, is the furore it it will cause amongst the eco-mentalists who have been tring so hard to move us back towards the stone age.
It is rare for the Gorse Fox to find anything positive coming out of the current cretinous government, but this is the exception. Never thought he'd say it but "Well done Tony Blair!". Now must go and lie down in a darkened room.
[File under: Nuclear Power, Tony+Blair]
The Gorse Fox sits at the breakfast table as the Silver Vixen opens her cards and presents. Slowly, the Gorse Fox is disappearing under mountains of discarded wrapping paper. He has a day's vacation today to celebrate the auspicious anniversary of the Silver Vixen's birth back near the middle of last century. Plans for the day are fluid - Cousteau-cub should be joining us at some point, and if we find somewhere nice to go this evening, no doubt Urban-cub and Sir Lancinglot will join us.
[File under: Diary]
Sunday, November 20, 2005
You can knock me down..
A new record for knocking dominoes over was set in the Dutch town of Leeuwarden when a team set up and toppled more than 4,250,000 of them.That's a heck of a lot of pizzas!
[File under: Records]
A US woman was arrested for calling 911 after a restaurant served her cold onion rings.Now GF wonders if our local Police Force could intervene when GF gets bad service? He guesses not... but maybe the Fire Brigade?
[File under: Whimsy]
Homemade Blue Movies?
A Canadian teenager is in trouble after selling her mum's camcorder - with a home made blue movie still inside.I'll bet !!!
Lawyer Robert Beninger said his client didn't know the tape was in the camera.
[File under: News]
[File under: Football]
Yesterday they took him into hospital and re-surfaced the ball and socket joint in one hip. GF is not qute sure what material is used, probably a bit of 80-grit sand paper to get a nice key and then would have thought that a nice hard-wearing Wilton would be nice and soft, but long lasting... or maybe a nice vinyl (but they can be cold to the touch).
Anyway. GF's thoughts go out to him... here's hopping for a speedy recuperation.
[File under: Diary]
Saturday, November 19, 2005
The score was 0-3, but what amazes the GF is the lack of passion. Beckham (as usual) worked his socks off, and the goalie Ike Casillas saved Real Madrid from even greter embarrassment. They were, however, the only two R-M playes who seemed to have any commitment or passion. The rest Los Galacticos seemed to be sulking at the fact they were being played off the park. Instead of digging-in a fighting they went AWOL. No application, no attitude.
What R-M need is new manager who understands that a a great team works together as a unit, building on each others strengths... it is not a bunch of talentred individuals doing as they please. They also need to build a solid and dependable defense... not keep treating their defenders as the poor relations.
[File under: Football, Real Madrid]
Perils of Genealogy
GF has been contacted through Genes Reunited by someone trying to track down his father. The person has a somewhat obscure middle name, and could immediately by located in GF's database. However, he was linked to a distant cousin with who GF has no contact.
The seeker was fairly desparate, and sent several emails. GF was dubious and cautious. He decided to contact another cousin who has a closer link to this part of the family. The cousin has now contacted GF and filled in several details... and will contact the distant mother of the cousin involved (as it was her partner being sought).
It seems that he was a trusted baby-sitter... you can fill in the details yourselves!
[File under: Genealogy]
[File under: Diary]
Friday, November 18, 2005
Project Management wallahs met with client to provide a reality check. Sounds like they missed the spin meister, but (grudging) agreement was reached.
Lesson to be learnt is that if it take 1 woman 9 months to produce a baby:
- 9 women cannot do it in 1 month (however hormonal they are)
- Setting a 1 month deadline makes no difference. It's the nature of the thing.
- It's no use trying to design round it.
(Note: Any parallels drawn between Project Managers and hormonal pregnant women are merely forged in the reader's mind and have no foundation in writings of the Gorse Fox!)
[File under: Project Management]
Swiss driver attacks Gatso with pick-axe enraged Swiss driver has smashed a speed camera off its mountings with a pick-axe after the Gatso snapped him doing 50mph in a 30mph zone...
Not satified with that, he then ran the offending camera over with his car, drove it up a mountain and chucked it off a cliff, in the process successfully destroying both Gatso and film...
The Gorse Fox has a new hero
[File under: Gatso, Speed Cameras]
Gorse Fox was awake, and it was evident that this was not going to change. Rather than disturb the Silver Vixen more than necessary, he decided it was time to get up. Stupid!
[File under: Diary]
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Middle Class
- GF is (at best) middle class
- GF has the utmost respect for individual policemen
- GF also has great respect for their authority and leadership during major crises
- GF thinks they have a very difficult job, but
- GF has a diminishing respect for the "Force"
Now what's behind this:
- The political posturing of the police hierarchy
- The apparent obsession with targets which seems to divert resources to "easy targets"
- The reliance on speed cameras for gathering fines without any significant traffic controls to monitor poor driving.
- The arrest of a walker for using a cycle path under the Prevention of Terrorism Act
- the stopping of 600 people in Brighton under the new terror laws
- The time delay in getting assistance when calling the police
- The prosecution of a woman for eating an apple while driving.
But more significantly the Police Force are the public face of Law and Order, and
- They are expected to enforce ridiculous laws
- There appears to be a bias towards the perpetrator not the victim
- The inability to get convictions because of trivial and inconsequential technicalities
- The apparent disconnection between the judiciary and real life
- The use of Human Rights legislation to avoid prosecution
- Trivial and vexatious prosecutions
and these latter items are NOT really the fault of the Police.
[File under: Police, Law & Order]
GF has delegated this to Stoker to deal with at present...
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
You can't have it all
- Given: we cannot deliver solutions to every one of your requirements (finalised yesterday) by your Target date.
- This is the list we can deliver
- This is roughly when the the other bits will be available.
- Understood
- Good
- We want these as well.
[File under: Diary]
[File under: Diary]
Monday, November 14, 2005
- Laptop back emptied and re-packed
- Overnight bag emptied and repacked.
- Pile of magazines rifled and discared
- Pile of mail rifled and re-stacked
Then it occurred to the GF; Starfleet are pretty advanced, did the receipt come by email? ... et voila! Expenses completed.
[File under: Diary]
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Painting not Perambulating
If he gets time he may stroll along the beach later.
[File under: Diary]
Gorse Fox was just reviewing some of the recent ideas from New Labour and the ODPM:
- Destruction of the Shire Counties (County Councils)
- Appointment of unelected Regional Authorities - after a referendum said they were not wanted
- Removal of trial by jury for some cases
- Assumption of guilt for motoring offences and imposition of fines without trial
- Attempted eradication of "English" identity
- Human Rights - and the persecution of victims instead of perpetrators
- Deification of minorities
- Villification of Christian traditions such as marriage and Christmas
- The politicisation of Police, and the Intelligence Services.
- The proposed introduction of Identity Cards removing the right of an English Citizen togo about his daily business without proof of his right to exist.
- Introduction of additional taxation if you have a nice view, live somewhere nice, or have smartened up your property.
UPDATE: Peter Hain on today's lunchtime interview had the bare faced cheek, the effrontery to say that Labour is the "party of civil liberties". (yeah! like Kim Jong Il is the leader of the free world)
[File under: ODPM, John Prescott]
Saturday, November 12, 2005
- The fact that England were losing until 5 minutes from the end.
- The fact that the play acting and diving of the South Americans got them nowhere (well except for the second goal).
- The fact that another attempt to handle the ball** into the net failed
- The fact that the England Team put in a good performance all round.
**GF would like to point out that this is cheating, but seems to be acceptable in South America as long as it is undetected. That is NOT sport and disgusts the Gorse Fox.
[File under: Football, England, Argentina]
GF should probably clarify that statement. They went out to a showroom to look at some toilet displays**, with a view to purchasing.
Having lived in their current house for 6 years, it seemed an appropriate time to buy a toilet. But what sort: dual flush? auto-flush? corner mounted? pedestal? wall mounted? oval? square? circular? the choices seem endless. GF must sit and ponder.
**No, somehow that doesn't sound quite right either. Where, in todays liberal world, do you go to see a toilet display?
A fly-past?
An event with fireworks? or maybe
Some carnival involving floats perhaps?
[File under: Plumbing]
You scored as Neo, the "One". Neo is the computer hacker-turned-Messiah of the Matrix. He leads a small group of human rebels against the technology that controls them. Neo doubts his ability to lead but doesn't want to disappoint his friends. His goal is for a world where all men know the Truth and are free from the bonds of the Matrix.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with |
[File under: ???]
Friday, November 11, 2005
The Truth Laid Bare
The tragic epitaph of this society might well be that, at its moment of greatest danger it was led by a politician who appeared to bend over backwards to ensure that the public refused to believe a single word he said — even when he was telling the truth
Disappearing up the fundament of spin. Don't just sit there. Go read it..
[File under: Truth, Blair, 90 days]
Philosophy and the Supreme Being
The ever learned Norm brings us the post: normblog: Socrates is a bird
This reminds the Gorse Fox of pseudo-syllogism from his youth:
God is Love,
Love is Blind,
Ray Charles is Blind,
Therefore Ray Charles is God
[File under: Syllogism, Ray Charles]
Troll attack
- Esteemed client has £x to spend by Financial Year end
- GF is able to realise most of this value as long as he moves quickly.
- He needs to deploy 2 programme managers - revenue = £x/20; Gross Profit 3%
- Deploying said Programme Managers will enable the other projects to happen providing revenue of £x - (£x/20) at Gross profit of >14%
- Trolls won't allow programme managers to be deployed because of low GP on their £x/20.
- £x - (£/20) is therefore not achievable... and to the Trolls, this is good business!!
[File under: Trolls]
Why did you have an emboidered chest?She asked.Evidently last night's dream had been vivid!
"It's more colourful than a tattoo" responded the Gorse Fox, "and it can be unpicked".Note: Must be more careful with these herbal teas before bedtime.
[File under: Whimsy]
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Bottom feeding scum suckers
Some things make the Gorse Fox wish to utter a meaningful curse.
[File under: Crime]
...and the day after his first defeat in parliament, in a show of support Labour's big guns lined up behind Tony Blair.
GF muses that such a show is only support if the barrels aren't trained on your back!
[File under: New labour, Tony Blair]
The Perorations of Lady Bracknell: If Lady Bracknell ruled the world....
[File under: Diary]
To Protect and Serve
Betty Boop explained she is security conscious after an attempted break-in. She heard two youths trying to get through her patio doors, but they gave up. She was (understandably) terrified and stayed in bed. She called the police, but thay said there was nothing thay could do, as they had gone and she had no description. Betty Boop has taken this in her stride and dismissed it.
The Fireman was horrified by this, he said that if she ever had a similar experience, she should call 999 and ask for the fire brigade. They would turn out in minutes with two tenders.
Worrying really that the Police will stop 600 people in Brighton for walking past the Conference Centre when New Labour are there, arrest a woman for walking along a cycle path, want 90 days to hold someone without charge, but can't be bothered to visit an old lady under threat... thank goodness the other emergency services have a different view! So you heard it here first... when under threat call the Fire Brigade because the Police can't be bothered
[File under: Police]
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
GF sees that scientists are hoping to prove the existence of gravitational waves (according to the BBC). GF was underwhelmed at first. Then realised this may explain why his weight varies.
[File under: Diary]
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
And whilst on the subject of inponderables (or is it Murphy's Law):
- Why do the Level Crossing gates always close as Gorse Fox approaches, when in a hurry. But never when he's not?
- Why does the knuckle-dragging 20-stone mouth-breather sit next to Gorse Fox on the train (as she did this morning)?
- How does John Prescott hang onto his job? In any commercial enterprise his record of failures and disasters would consign him to unemployment.
- Why do the BBC still make Eastenders?
- Why is that on evening the Gorse Fox really fancies a hot curry, he has a long train or car journey the following morning?
[File under: Whimsy]