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Monday, December 27, 2004

The Day after

Cousteau-cub was on the phone at 8. She had heard from her friends in Thailand overnight. Most survived, though several acquaintances didn't make it. They reported scenes of utter devastation with many bodies littering the Island.

We went along to Brighton to collect C-c and bring her back here. She was very tired from her night shift and the worry of the last 36 hours. Now back here, she has crashed out, and I doubt we will see her again until the evening.

Urban-cub had asked to be picked up also, but had changed her mind this morning. She is still suffering with her back trouble, and has decided to spend a quiet day at home lying on the bed.

Overall it turned out to be a quite day. C-c tried to sleep, but only had moderate success. S-V and the Gorse Fox pottered around doing bits and pieces, reading some of the books received at Christmas and generally having a quiet day.

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