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Friday, November 29, 2019

Out again

It was another dry, cool,  and bright day. We had things to do.

Expecting guests over the weekend, the first order of the day was a trip to Sainsbury's to pick up the various comestibles that were required. This was fairly straightforward, but as we paid our bill at the smart checkout, the Silver Vixen received a text message to say that her sister was in bed with a dreadful cold... and they may have to call off the visit. Nothing we had bought will go to waste so we packed it all away knowing that it would get used over the next few weeks.

At lunchtime, we met up with the Sonning Crew and made our way into Chichester. This was the official Sonning Crew celebration of the Silver Vixen's birthday.

We wandered into the Giggling Squid (which is rapidly becoming one of our two favourite haunts in Chichester). We were shown to "our" table and settled down for a couple of hours of chat and good food. We started off with some Prosecco, which was a complimentary bottle provided against a long-expired voucher that Old Bill had claimed. The food was, as we have come to expect, excellent and the service was impeccable.
We had a lovely time, as we usually do, and in the end, decided that we would return for lunch on Christmas Eve. We booked there and then. So that's sorted.

After lunch, we all had different things to do in Chichester, so we split up and went our separate ways. The Gorse Fox and Silver Vixen made our way to a couple of shops where the Silver Vixen was hoping to find suitable gifts for some of her friends. The quest was only partially successful, but we have to return on Monday for the Gorse Fox's dental check. The Silver Vixen did, however, manage to buy a lovely, full-length, knitted dress.
As we wandered back towards the bus station, we noticed two distractions, the first was an Extinction Rebellion protest, the other (on a more cheerful note) was a chap in plus-fours riding a penny-farthing.

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