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Tuesday, November 26, 2019


It was a bleak, wet day. A day for staying indoors and that is exactly what the Gorse Fox did. (The Silver Vixen, however, had a quick trip for a doctor's appointment, and both Coventry Hobbit and Cousteau-Cub had to go to work).

Staying in, the Gorse Fox got on with several of the household chores and started to think about a menu for Saturday, when we are expecting some guests. Menu is still not decided, but the nice man from Amazon will be delivering some spices tomorrow which can be hard to find in Sainsbury's.

The phone rang. It was from a mobile number that the Gorse Fox did not recognise. He answered and there was a brief pause. Then the call kicked in. "This is a call from Ofcom to inform you that your internet will be disconnected unless..." The Gorse Fox hung up. Yet another scam call. Ofcom do not provide the Gorse Fox's internet. They have no direct control over his service. The best they could do would be to ask his internet provider to block the service (and he doubts very much that they would comply without some form of court order). Obviously this will all change if Comrade Corbyn gets in and nationalises the internet. Then he can choose to switch it off if people criticise or start to organise against him... but what do you expect from a totalitarian Marxist. The Gorse Fox still shakes his head in disbelief at the young followers of this cult. They clearly have no concept of how bad things were last time the UK had a hard left government.

The Gorse Fox has completed another draft of his notes for Mrs Tiggywingle regarding Google Photos. He added some extra information and tidied up some diagrams. He is now feeling moderately content with Apple's "Pages" app, particularly as it works seamlessly across desktop, laptop, iPad, and iPhone.

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