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Friday, January 21, 2011


The Gorse Fox notices a headline in a technology paper that predict a bonanza for Hull from wind farms.

This is interesting. The Gorse Fox is pathologically averse to wind farms –

  • they are a blot ion the landscape,
  • they are expensive to build (and have to be subsidised by our electricity bills),
  • they are extremely inefficient (Texas estimate 7% efficiency) and they don’t work when they are most needed (in cold weather brought about by an anti-cyclone), and
  • interestingly they don’t work if the wind is too strong,
  • they are a potential hazard to wildlife
  • they have been known to interfere with radar
  • they can be noisy
  • they are a visual abomination.

But Hull … there’s a thought. They may even be an improvement there, and with John Prescott living nearby they’ll never be short of wind, and will suit the style of a great deal of huffing and puffing but actually achieving nothing at all of value. Their habit of not working in adverse conditions would also suit “two Jags” perfectly.

Seems like a prefect match.


The Gray Monk said...

The only thing you left out is the ecological damage done in China, India and Africa to mine the rare minerals that are required for these abominations and their counterpart - the unrecycleable batteries that have a lifespan of five years or less in the Prius and its clones, or the solar panels that take 15 years to pay for themselves and have a life expectancy of less than ten...

Find out where Two Jags lives and build the damned things right in front of his house.

James G. said...

Not to mention that it takes 200 square miles of wind farm running at 100% capacity to generate the same power that one nuclear plant can produce. Carbon footprints anyone?

From where I sit no one who dismisses nuclear power can really say they are concerned about the environment; they are either worshipping the false god of the Environmental Movement or they are people who genuinely wish we retreat to the Stone Age and subsistence living.

The Gorse Fox said...

Or, James, they are naive enough to swallow the BBC party line.