Walking through a field of sheep he noticed a ewe which was seriously lame and kept collapsing onto its knees. Examining the maps he looked for the farm house, but couldn't be sure where to go. So using his inside knowledge he decided to call the Animal Welfare desk... but could only remember the number of the one at Worcester. Fortunately, they agreed that GF was right to report it, and secondly gave him the number of the Reigate office. He was just starting to dial when a huge tractor came over the brow of the hill. GF waved down the farmer and pointed out the problem. He said he'd report it immediately to his shepherd.
Job done, the walk continued. That stiff breeze had blown in a bank of grey cloud that now blanketed the route back towards the car. A few rain clouds threatened, but GF waved his walking stick(*) at them and they made off.
(*) GF was given a "Leki" Ergonometric Antishock Trekking thing... high-tech walking stick, for his birthday.
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