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Monday, November 07, 2011


The Gorse Fox rose early. There was coffee to make before getting on the road. Jasper the cat lay in the hallway, eyeing progress somewhat dolefully. He was not amused that he had been woken up. 40 minutes after consciousness was achieved, the Gorse Fox was on his way. Fortunately traffic was kind, even if his innate clumsiness was not. As he drove past Portsmouth the fresh (but now cooling coffee) managed to miss his mouth and deposit itself down his pale pink shirt and into his lap. As auspicious starts go - this was not one!

Once in Bristol things were remarkably calm and quite - other than the stack of documents that had arrived for the Gorse Fox to review, edit, and comment on. By mid-afternoon the interrupt rate was high enough that GF was starting to thrash, reading and re-reading the same text. In frustration he packed his bags and retreated to his hotel and a semblance of calm.

1 comment:

The Gray Monk said...

You know that you should not drink and drive. The spill rate is far too high!