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Sunday, March 23, 2025


After the last 10 days or so, today's weather seemed particularly autumnal. It was dull, grey, and damp. We had a quiet morning. After breakfast and a wander through the news and social media sites, I went upstairs to my study. It had occurred to me that it was a long time since I had updated my master photo library.  On checking, it was at the beginning of December that I last performed the update. 

I downloaded all of the photos that had accumulated and started the import program. Several hundred were filed away, and a few were liusted as problematic. I will have to return and deal with these at a later date - I think I have found the common feature that caused the problem - it occurred to photos where I had used the AI features to remove an unwanted blemish or feature from the original.

We wandered around to Zoe's. I had to help her get the furniture back into the living room. This didn't take too long, but as always, handling large items of furniture was difficult. Once that was done, we let Ellie open the few presents we had brought with us. She was clearly tired from last night's sleep-over, but rallied at the thought of a few more presents.

We left Zoe and ellie to a quiet afternoon. Indeed, Zoe sent us a photo of Ellie asleep at the table, and later on the sofa. We had a bite of lunch and some Kindle time before I started preparation for tonight's dinner.

(As an aside, I opened a new email account with Proton Mail. This provided end to end security and is based in Switzerland (rather than the USA). I'm not sure how much use I will make of it, but thought it would be an interesting experiment).

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