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Saturday, July 10, 2021


 It’s been a gloriously lazy day. After a bit of breakfast the Gorse Fox had his customary cousins’ zoom call. This was little chaotic as one had her grandchildren with her and they were intent on showing off, meanwhile her husband tried to open a second zoom device and that started a feedback loop. Hopefully, things will be a little more normal next week.

After that, the Gorse Fox retired to the study and the family tree while the Silver Vixen retired to her sewing room. She is, apparently, researching a possible addition to her stable of thoroughbred sewing machines. The Gorse Fox will leave her to make the decision, but she makes so much use of them that he can see that it would be a good addition.

Back at the family tree the Gorse Fox is trying to find out more information about a cousin who married a Canadian airman, started a family, went to Canada, grew the family, and was unfortunately killed in a road traffic incident. The Gorse Fox has finally found a sliver of new information. He now knows that she went to Canada as part of the Civilian Repatriation programme in 1946 and settled in Regina, Saskatchewan. The Gorse Fox thought this was a major breakthrough and would open up lots more areas of research. Wrong. Despite hours of trawling through records, census returns, and archives he hasn’t found a single additional morsel of data.

In desperation, the Gorse Fox has written to Agent Mulder. He has a vague recollection that he knew one of the family members and may be able to provide a link.

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